Product Overview:

Lateral Stabilizer Armrest Bolsters are placed on wheelchair armrest supports to reduce lateral leaning. The wheelchair arm supports stabilize comfort residents. Choose from half or full arm style. Offered with a polyester, sheepskin, or nylon cover to reduce shear. Cylindrical foam cushions may also be used on upright armrests as bolsters or on a vertical backrest bar. Sold individually, these bolsters are available in six inch or five inch diameters with the option of full or half arm styles. Larger patients may appreciate the five inch diameter bolster.
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Product Specifications / Dimensions

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Product Options:

Choose Size for Individual Lateral Stabilizer Half Armrest Bolster

Individual Half Armrest Bolster with Polyester Cover, 11in. L x 5in. dia. Lateral Stabilizer Armrest BolsterIndividual Half Armrest Bolster with Polyester Cover, 11in. L x 5in. dia.
sku: SKC-706114
Individual Half Armrest Bolster with Polyester Cover, 11in. L x 6in. dia. Lateral Stabilizer Armrest BolsterIndividual Half Armrest Bolster with Polyester Cover, 11in. L x 6in. dia.
sku: SKC-706124
Individual Half Armrest Bolster with Nylon Cover, 11in. L x 5in. dia. Lateral Stabilizer Armrest BolsterIndividual Half Armrest Bolster with Nylon Cover, 11in. L x 5in. dia.
sku: SKC-706116
Individual Half Armrest Bolster with Sheepskin Cover, 11in. L x 5in. dia. Lateral Stabilizer Armrest BolsterIndividual Half Armrest Bolster with Sheepskin Cover, 11in. L x 5in. dia.
sku: SKC-706115
Individual Half Armrest Bolster with Nylon Cover, 11in. L x 6in. dia. Lateral Stabilizer Armrest BolsterIndividual Half Armrest Bolster with Nylon Cover, 11in. L x 6in. dia.
sku: SKC-706126
Individual Half Armrest Bolster with Sheepskin Cover, 11in. L x 6in. dia. Lateral Stabilizer Armrest BolsterIndividual Half Armrest Bolster with Sheepskin Cover, 11in. L x 6in. dia.
sku: SKC-706125

Choose Size for Individual Lateral Stabilizer Full Armrest Bolster

Individual Full Armrest Bolster with Polyester Cover, 16in. L x 5in. dia. Lateral Stabilizer Armrest BolsterIndividual Full Armrest Bolster with Polyester Cover, 16in. L x 5in. dia.
sku: SKC-706110
Individual Full Armrest Bolster with Nylon Cover, 16in. L x 5in. dia. Lateral Stabilizer Armrest BolsterIndividual Full Armrest Bolster with Nylon Cover, 16in. L x 5in. dia.
sku: SKC-706112
Individual Full Armrest Bolster with Polyester Cover, 16in. L x 6in. dia. Lateral Stabilizer Armrest BolsterIndividual Full Armrest Bolster with Polyester Cover, 16in. L x 6in. dia.
sku: SKC-706120
Individual Full Armrest Bolster w/Sheepskin Cover, 16in. L x 5in. dia. Lateral Stabilizer Armrest BolsterIndividual Full Armrest Bolster w/Sheepskin Cover, 16in. L x 5in. dia.
sku: SKC-706111
Individual Full Armrest Bolster with Sheepskin Cover, 16in. L x 6in. dia. Lateral Stabilizer Armrest BolsterIndividual Full Armrest Bolster with Sheepskin Cover, 16in. L x 6in. dia.
sku: SKC-706121
Individual Full Armrest Bolster with Nylon Cover, 16in. L x 6in. dia. Lateral Stabilizer Armrest BolsterIndividual Full Armrest Bolster with Nylon Cover, 16in. L x 6in. dia.
sku: SKC-706122

More Information

Lateral Stabilizer Armrest Bolsters also provide a comforting cushioned armrest for support. For users with sensitive elbows, compromised forearm skin, or other arm injuries.

As part of SkilCare's Patient Autonomy Safety System (PASS), these arm supports help reduce reliance on physical restraints and are ideal in reducing lateral leaning for wheelchair patients who lean to the left or right.

Applying the Lateral Stabilizer Armrest Bolster
1. Two bolsters are needed to stabilize the patient. First, choose the appropriate size. Most patients will fit a 6-inch diameter bolster, but heavier patients will need a 5-inch diameter bolster.
2. Remove the bolster covers and place the bolsters over the wheelchair armrests, slit side down.
3. Replace the covers with the open side down, and secure the hook and loop closures.

Applying to the Wheelchair's Vertical Bar
Some patients will need lateral support provided by placing the bolster on the wheelchair's vertical bar on the backrest.

Caring for the Lateral Stabilizer Armrest Bolster
The polyester and sheepskin covers can be washed and dried at temperatures up to 180 degrees F. Bleaching is not recommended. To reduce the amount of lint that can accumulate in hook-and-loop closures during laundering, SkiCare suggests washing and drying the covers. The nylon covers can be cleaned with a spray-type cleaner and a damp cloth or sponge.

Lateral Stabilizer Armrest Bolster Features:
  • Cushions wheelchair armrests
  • Available for full-arm and half-arm wheelchairs in 5"½ or 6"½ diameters
  • Covered in a polyester, nylon, or synthetic sheepskin
  • Sold individually

Lateral Stabilizer Armrest Bolsters are not a restraint, as they are designed to provide lateral posture support only. Each facility is responsible for determining the appropriateness of use by professional and medical staff.

Lateral Stabilizer Armrest Bolster Picture


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Customer Reviews of Lateral Stabilizer Armrest Bolster

Item Reviewed: Lateral Stabilizer Armrest Bolster
1 Review(s) - Average Customer Rating: 4.0 (1.0 to 5.0 scale)

easy to attach and effective at reducing lateral leaning. Consider raising arms for even better support. Rather pricey,however.

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Lateral Stabilizer Armrest Bolster Pictures:

Lateral Stabilizer Armrest Bolster
Lateral Stabilizer Armrest Bolster
Covered in polyester, nylon, or synthetic sheepskin
Covered in polyester, nylon, or synthetic sheepskin
Reduces lateral leaning for wheelchair users who lean to the left or right
Reduces lateral leaning for wheelchair users who lean to the left or right