Product Overview:

The Lateral Stabilizer Arm Trough is used with wheelchair armrests to support the upper trunk. This cushioned trough provides stability when the arm is rested for the user. Useable on either side of the wheelchair with convenient slip-on function. Additional relief gel-pad style is offered optionally.
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Product Options:

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Lateral Stabilizer Arm Trough Tray with Polyester CoverLateral Stabilizer Arm Trough Tray with Polyester Cover
sku: SKC-706140
Lateral Stabilizer Arm Trough Tray with Synthetic Sheepskin CoverLateral Stabilizer Arm Trough Tray with Synthetic Sheepskin Cover
sku: SKC-706141
Lateral Stabilizer Arm Trough Tray with Low-Shear 2 CoverLateral Stabilizer Arm Trough Tray with Low-Shear 2 Cover
sku: SKC-706142
Lateral Stabilizer Arm Trough Tray with Gel Pad InsertLateral Stabilizer Arm Trough Tray with Gel Pad Insert
sku: SKC-914220

Additional Documentation on This Product

More Information

Like an armrest bolster, the Lateral Stabilizer Arm Trough reduces lateral leaning. An added benefit, over the bolster, is that this arm support has a trough that improves arm positioning and resident stability. The Arm Tray Lateral Stabilizer, which is foam padded for comfort, fits all full-arm wheelchairs. The Lateral Stabilizer Arm Trough can be used on any chair that has an armrest that allows the straps to go around it. Offering support, balance, and positioning on the side that you need it the most. Easy to wipe clean cover is included. A gel pad is available for additional pressure release.

Applying the Lateral Stabilizer Arm Trough
1. Open the Velcro closure on the cover.
2. Place the Lateral Stabilizer Arm Trough on the left or right side, depending on which side the resident leans. If the resident leans left, use a left sided Lateral Stabilizer Arm Trough. If they lean right, use a right sided Lateral Stabilizer Arm Trough.
3. Secure the Velcro closure.

Caring for the Lateral Stabilizer Arm Trough
The polyester and sheepskin covers can be laundered and dried at temperatures up to 180 degrees F. Bleaching is not recommended. To reduce the amount of lint that may collect on the Velcro closures, SkilCare suggests washing and drying the covers with the closures fastened. Do not launder the foam. Nylon covers should not be laundered. Clean them with a spray and wipe cleanser and damp cloth.

Lateral Stabilizer Wheelchair Arm Trough Picture

Lateral Stabilizer Arm Trough Tray with Gel Pad Insert - 914220

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Customer Reviews of Lateral Stabilizer Wheelchair Arm Trough

Item Reviewed: Lateral Stabilizer Wheelchair Arm Trough
2 Review(s) - Average Customer Rating: 5.0 (1.0 to 5.0 scale)

This arm support has helped counteract the sublexation of my affected shoulder. It has reduced my day to day pain considerably. I am hemiplegic life side affected - Its been a long 5 years since my cerebral hemorrhage. I wish Id had this 5 years ago, It may have supported me enough to never have had my shoulder separation......Its easy to install -I added a coupe of bunji cords for tighter adherance

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This has relieved the sublexation of my effected shoulder. I can now sit comfortably, much straighter in my chair.

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Lateral Stabilizer Wheelchair Arm Trough Pictures:

Lateral Stabilizer Wheelchair Arm Trough
Lateral Stabilizer Wheelchair Arm Trough
Available with a gel pad for additional pressure relief.
Available with a gel pad for additional pressure relief.
Foam cushioned for comfort and pressure release
Foam cushioned for comfort and pressure release