What is a Hybrid Lift?
Harmar's Universal Hybrid Scooter and Wheelchair Lift is an inside and outside lift. This means that it attaches using the vehicle's hitch and assists with placing the scooter or wheelchair inside the vehicle, instead of having the power chair left outside of the vehicle.
Universal Hybrid Scooter and Wheelchair Lift
With this inside-outside lift, there is no need to mount using bolts that require holes to be drilled in the vehicle. hand remote controls the up and down motion of the micro power chair and scooter lift. Weighing only 62 lbs., the heaviest component weighs only 23 lbs., so disassembling and storage of the 3 piece lift is easy. Some manual operation is involved in the mobility device transfer, as the lift is only powered on the up and down motion. The user will need to lightly guide the device into the vehicle once it has reached the intended height. This particular lift is recommended for use with travel scooters, full sized scooters, and power wheelchairs.
Transporting the Lift While Still Assembled
Lower the strap hook and attach it to the oval shaped slot in the arm assembly. Power the lift up until the strap is tight, and verify the that the power frame can not hit the vehicle.
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