Financing Options:
Consumer Financing available
Product Overview:

The unique Skil-Care Foot Cradle prevents foot drop while also controlling flexion contracture and keeps legs positioned properly on the wheelchair. For an added level of fall prevention and protection of sensitive skin, the Skil-Care Foot Cradle is designed with a cushioned back and side panels that inhibit legs from slipping behind the footrest and protects the feet from contact with harsh metal components.
This product is non-returnable.

Product Specifications / Dimensions

Product Options:

Make Your Selection Below

Foot Cradle fits 16-18 inch Wheelchair WidthsFoot Cradle fits 16-18 inch Wheelchair Widths
sku: SKC-703410
Contracture Accommodation KitContracture Accommodation Kit
sku: SKC-703416

Additional Documentation on This Product

More Information

If your resident requires more contracture accommodation than the pads provided allow, the Contracture Accommodation Kit includes vinyl-covered foam pads of different thicknesses that permit depth adjustment of the cradle to accommodate a wide range of flexion contracture.

Skil-Care Foot Cradle Wheelchair Supports Picture

Skil-Care Foot Cradle Wheelchair Supports Picture

Skil-Care Foot Cradle Wheelchair Supports Picture


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Skil-Care Foot Cradle Wheelchair Supports Pictures:

Skil-Care Foot Cradle Wheelchair Supports
Skil-Care Foot Cradle Wheelchair Supports
Contracture Accommodation Kit-Available as an Additional Purchase with the Skil-Care Foot Cradle Wheelchair Supports
Contracture Accommodation Kit-Available as an Additional Purchase with the Skil-Care Foot Cradle Wheelchair Supports