Span America is thrilled to present The Topper, a breakthrough technology that takes patient monitoring to a new level and revolutionizes the microenvironment in which they reside. Made possible by the patented Air Diffusion Matrix technology, The Topper can provide a powerful stream of air through the highly permeable vapor layer, efficiently taking out the excessive heat and moisture. This function is more than patient comfort improvement; it also plays a vital role in the treatment and prevention of pressure ulcers and skin breaks, especially for people with risk factors like obesity, febrility, or excessive sweating.
In official lab tests, The Topper for air mattresses proved to be better than other objects, including standard low-air-loss surfaces and powered covers, in its ability to remove moisture vapor. The Topper - Advanced MicroEnvironment Management Coverlet's low-profile design eradicates the safety hazards that traditional overlays cause and its physical infrastructure reduces shearing and friction damage to vulnerable skin. The Topper from Span America is designed for durability and is easy to care for. This product is designed to have fluid-proof, anti-fungus, and bacteriostatic treatment material with high cleaning and disinfection performance, freshness, and machine washability. Lastly, it is completely cost-effective in that it is unmatched because it doesn't have to be replaced with new expensive disposables, which makes this product ideal for facilities and rental providers that can provide sustainable, high-quality patient care solutions. All of this includes a twenty-four-month warranty to ensure the user's happiness.