Children with autism, somatodyspraxia, and other cognitive or developmental impairments can benefit from an appropriate therapy regimen that aims to improve their motor, vestibular, and proprioceptive abilities. To that end, researchers and therapists have rediscovered the swing set as an important habilitative tool. These Heavy-Duty Commercial Swing Sets from Jensen Swing Products, Inc., not only provide children with a safe and sturdy form of therapy, but they also ensure that children will have the opportunity to play, exercise, and engage their creativity while in the open air. Each model can accommodate two swings per bay, with H82 having one bay; H84, two; and H86, three. These swing sets are intended to have their legs inserted into two-foot deep holes reinforced by concrete. Once fully installed, they can support multiple children ranging in age from four to 12 years old.
These Heavy-Duty Commercial Swing Sets are
not intended for adult use.