The Sectional Raft supports, available in Sunshine Yellow, cradles the body for individuals that are insecure in the water or non-ambulatory. Water is allowed to flow in and around the user while interacting with their surroundings, thus reducing fears they may have. The reversible head pad assists if lateral supports are needed for minimal head and neck control.
Shoulder straps snap over the arms for an easy fit, both providing room for arm propulsion and preventing the body from rolling. The bottom row of sectional pieces can be folded under to allow for greater range of motion in the lower body. Care should be taken to watch for air chill on parts of the body above the water surface. To prevent this, place towels over the body.
Danmar swimming and flotation equipment is designed to accommodate different levels of ability in the water. Constructed from Ensolite® Marine Flotation Foam, they do not sink or absorb water, even if cut or punctured. Each piece is triple coated with our durable vinyl finish, in bright yellow, making them highly visible in the water. Rainbow polypropylene webbing and super tough nylon buckles (on certain products) resist chlorine and salt water corrosion. They are easily cleaned by hand, using mild detergent. Avoid any harsh chemical cleaners.
One real plus for swimmers is the insulating properties of Ensolite® foam which help retain body heat. Most of our Danmar swimgear is designed for custom use by the addition/removal of flotation to gently compensate for changing physical conditions.
In order to help decide on the type of equipment and the appropriate size for the individual, here are a few basic considerations:
- Individuals medical condition, considering the type and severity of the disability.
- Amount of trunk and head control that the individual exhibits.
- Amount of spasticity/rigidity exhibited.
- Age, weight and amount of body fat that contributes to natural buoyancy.
- Teaching goals which are desired i.e. maximum or minimum flotation for full range of motion in the extremities.
- Versatility of equipment: our swim aids by Danmar are designed for all age groups and may be adapted to changing levels of proficiency.
NOTE: As with any flotation product, this is not meant as a life-saving device. Use with supervision and never leave a child unattended in the raft.