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Product Overview:

The Logan ProxTalker is the first portable picture communication system that actually talks, helping to assist all ages with communicating in or out of the classroom. The system uses pictures with pre-recorded voice tags, or you can record your own tags. This augmentative and alternative communication device helps learners demonstrating a variety of communicative, cognitive, and physical difficulties to not only communicate, but to also develop speech. The Logan ProxTalker demonstrates how technology can help break down barriers to full participation and inclusion in education, employment, independent living, and leisure activities.
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The Logan ProxTalker communication device (choose from male or female voice) is an exciting mid-tech device that uses RFID technology to retrieve vocabulary stored on sound tags that produce real words. This system is ideal for any picture exchange system user of any age as a means of communication, or as a classroom tool. Just pick a tag, place it on a button, and press. The ProxTalker device will say the appropriate sound, word, or sentence. This communication device uses an inbuilt microphone, and the volume can easily be adjusted. The sound tag can store up to 8 seconds of recording and has 1GB of memory (30,000 sound tags/1,000 minutes). The Logan ProxTalker communication device is powered by four C batteries (minimum of 6 months of battery life in use).

The secret of the success of the ProxTalker communication device is in its ease and flexibility of use. It does what it says on the label: you pick a tag, place it on a button, and press it - it speaks! Customizing your tags can be done in two easy steps. Identify the symbol, image or cue to affix on the tag from the supplied ready cut sticker sheets for both large and small sized tags. Record what you want the tag to say, up to 8 seconds of sound on each tag. This can be a word, a sentence, lines from a play, or music. Use your imagination! Photos, tactile symbols, small objects of reference (like a bottle lid) and embossed symbols make for wonderful tags when combined with words that have meaning to the user.

Choose Colors:
  • Blue
  • Gray
  • Pink

  • 80 Prerecorded sound tags
  • 100 blank small tags
  • Carry case with 4 page Velcro set
  • 2 sets of programming tags
  • 4 color pages with Velcro strips
  • Peel and stick labels and laminates
  • Tool kit
  • 3 year warranty

Play words in your choice of languages in either male or female voice:
  • US (American) English
  • UK (British) English
  • Puerto Rican Spanish
  • Castilian Spanish
  • Dutch
  • German
  • Danish
  • Swedish

Some included words and phrases (this is only an example):
Afraid, All Done, Apple, Apple Juice, Arm, Ball, Banana, Bathroom,
Blue, Bounce on Ball, Brown, Bubbles, Cat, Cereal, Chips, Chocolate Milk,
Coat, Confused, Cookies, Cow, Crayon, Dog, Ears, Elephant,
Face, Fish Sticks, Foot, Fork, Good, Grape Juice, Green, Hard Hat,
Head, Headphones, Help, Horse, Hurt, I need a break, I want to play,
too loud, tickles, to drink, to eat, to go, to play

Ideas on how to use your Proxtalker:
  • 1. Personal Vertical Picture Schedule: Use photos or picture symbols; set up the morning schedule and change for lunch, recess and afternoon
  • 2. Real Object Schedule: Attach real objects to tags (small), record speech and play
  • 3. Horizontal Sequential Task List: Use with any age child for sequential tasks such as horizontal presentations
  • 4. Receptive Language and Vocabulary Practice: Use in conjunction with any classroom methods, curriculum, and stories. Use in conjunction with individualized strategies (Find the picture of the _____.)
  • 5. Expressive Language for Personal Comfort and Care Requests: Use in conjunction with paper and hook and loop-based language training systems; "I want a granola bar." Use the record tag for additional message or clarification, "Chocolate covered, please."

  • ProxTalker Dimensions in back pack: 12.9" x 7" x 3.5"
  • Weight in backpack (with Tags): 4.7 lbs





Logan LoganTech AAC Device Package Picture   

What Customers Are Saying:

"After trach surgery, it was nearly impossible to communicate my needs with the nurses in the hospital, leading to immense frustration on all sides. Easy to use post-surgery, the ProxTalker made all of that go away completely once I got my hands on one. - Bradley V."

"Our little son Devin loves his ProxTalker. It's basically his whole life! - Marjorie B."

"Our son became non-verbal very early on in his life. We found the ProxTalker when he was 4, and after just 4 months of using it he started to be able to speak again! Now he's 10 and talks all the time, in large part thanks to his ProxTalker. - Bethany J."

FAQ For Logan LoganTech AAC Device Package

? Have a question about this product? Click here to ask us!
How do I keep the buttons working over long periods of time?
Answer: Make sure to clear out all debris underneath and around the buttons periodically. A toothpick or similar tool works great for this!
Can I do something about the tags being too shiny?
Answer: Included laminate tag protectors should reduce the amount of glare coming from the tags?
What do I do if some or all of the Proxtalker's tags stop making sound?
Answer: You can reset the device or replace the batteries. It's also possible the SD card may have been accidentally ejected. After troubleshooting these options, it is recommended to contact your sales representative for help.
What if the images I want to use are too big for the tag?
Answer: There are two sizes available for the tags, you may need the larger size.

Logan LoganTech AAC Device Package Pictures:

Logan LoganTech AAC Device Package
Logan LoganTech AAC Device Package
Shown in Blue
Shown in Blue
Shown in pink
Shown in pink
ProxTalker Modular AAC Device in Gray and White
ProxTalker Modular AAC Device in Gray and White