Product Overview:

The Neurological Pinwheels are a medical device that is used to test nerve reactions and sensitivity as it is rolled systematically across the skin. Available in two disposable models and one reusable model in singles or a case of twenty five.
This product is non-returnable.

Product Specifications / Dimensions

Product specifications are documented below.
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Product Options:

Make Your Selection Below

Neuro-Aide Disposable Plastic
sku: FEI-12-1455
Clean Wheel Disposable Plastic
sku: FEI-12-1451
Wartenberg Stainless Steel
sku: FEI-12-1450
Case of 25 Neuro-Aide Disposable Plastic
sku: FEI-12-1455-25
Case of 25 Clean Wheel Disposable Plastic
sku: FEI-12-1451-25
Case of 25 Wartenberg Stainless Steel
sku: FEI-12-1450-25

More Information

This tool can be used in various areas of the body to test sensation and assess a patient's response. Use the pinwheel to elicit cutaneous sensory and pain perception responses. After spinal injuries in particular, regular testing may be part of patient care to monitor for complications. A patient who has recently had spinal surgery, for example, might have a pinprick test on the feet to confirm that they are still sending and receiving messages from the spine. If the patient loses sensitivity, this could indicate swelling, nerve damage, or other surgical complications that need to be addressed to preserve neurological function.Use the pinwheel to elicit cutaneous sensory and pain perception responses.

FAQ For Fabrication Enterprises Neuro Wartenberg Pinwheels For Single or Reuse

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Fabrication Enterprises Neuro Wartenberg Pinwheels For Single or Reuse Pictures:

Fabrication Enterprises Neuro Wartenberg Pinwheels For Single or Reuse
Fabrication Enterprises Neuro Wartenberg Pinwheels For Single or Reuse
ADC Wartenberg Neurological Pinwheel, 7-1/2", Chrome-Plated Zinc and Brass
ADC Wartenberg Neurological Pinwheel, 7-1/2", Chrome-Plated Zinc and Brass
Baseline® Cleanwheel sterile disposable neurological pinwheel
Baseline® Cleanwheel sterile disposable neurological pinwheel
Baseline® Cleanwheel non-sterile disposable neurological pinwheel
Baseline® Cleanwheel non-sterile disposable neurological pinwheel
Neurological Pinwheel - Neuro-Aide Disposable
Neurological Pinwheel - Neuro-Aide Disposable
Can be used to test reactions and sensitivity on the wrist
Can be used to test reactions and sensitivity on the wrist
Ergonomic handle of the pinwheel provides precise control of the device
Ergonomic handle of the pinwheel provides precise control of the device