Financing Options:
Consumer Financing available
Product Overview:

These options and accessories are specifically designed for the Leckey Everyday Activity Seat, offering an array of support and positioning components that ensure each user is maximally accommodated while using their chair. Many of the accessories come in different sizes and colors to easily match your seat, while durable construction and high-quality materials ensure longevity.

Product Options:

Choose Lateral Support (Must Match Base Frame Size)

Size 1 Rigid Chest Laterals - Black Vinyl (Pair) Accessories for Leckey Everyday Activity SeatSize 1 Rigid Chest Laterals - Black Vinyl (Pair)
sku: SM-151-6106-07VIN
Size 2 Rigid Chest Laterals - Black Vinyl (Pair) Accessories for Leckey Everyday Activity SeatSize 2 Rigid Chest Laterals - Black Vinyl (Pair)
sku: SM-151-6210-07VIN
Size 3 Rigid Chest Laterals - Black Vinyl (Pair) Accessories for Leckey Everyday Activity SeatSize 3 Rigid Chest Laterals - Black Vinyl (Pair)
sku: SM-151-6306-07VIN
Size 1 Swing-Away Chest Laterals - Black Vinyl (Pair) Accessories for Leckey Everyday Activity SeatSize 1 Swing-Away Chest Laterals - Black Vinyl (Pair)
sku: SM-151-6108-07VIN
Size 2 Swing-Away Chest Laterals - Black Vinyl (Pair) Accessories for Leckey Everyday Activity SeatSize 2 Swing-Away Chest Laterals - Black Vinyl (Pair)
sku: SM-151-6212-07VIN
Size 3 Swing-Away Chest Laterals - Black Vinyl (Pair) Accessories for Leckey Everyday Activity SeatSize 3 Swing-Away Chest Laterals - Black Vinyl (Pair)
sku: SM-151-6308-07VIN
Size 1 and 2 Seats Protraction Pads - Black Vinyl (Pair) Accessories for Leckey Everyday Activity SeatSize 1 and 2 Seats Protraction Pads - Black Vinyl (Pair)
sku: SM-151-6218-07VIN
Size 3 Seat Protraction Pads - Black Vinyl (Pair) Accessories for Leckey Everyday Activity SeatSize 3 Seat Protraction Pads - Black Vinyl (Pair)
sku: SM-151-6314-07VIN
Chest Support - Black (Requires Laterals) Accessories for Leckey Everyday Activity SeatChest Support - Black (Requires Laterals)
sku: SM-137-808-05

Choose Upper Extremity Positioning (Must Match Base Frame Size)

Size 1 Armrests (Pair) Accessories for Leckey Everyday Activity SeatSize 1 Armrests (Pair)
sku: SM-151AA167
Size 2 Armrests (Pair) Accessories for Leckey Everyday Activity SeatSize 2 Armrests (Pair)
sku: SM-151AA168
Size 3 Armrests (Pair) Accessories for Leckey Everyday Activity SeatSize 3 Armrests (Pair)
sku: SM-151AA169
Size 1 Tray - Plastic Gray (Requires Armrests) Accessories for Leckey Everyday Activity SeatSize 1 Tray - Plastic Gray (Requires Armrests)
sku: SM-151A217
Size 2 Tray - Plastic Gray (Requires Armrests) Accessories for Leckey Everyday Activity SeatSize 2 Tray - Plastic Gray (Requires Armrests)
sku: SM-151A218
Size 3 Tray - Plastic Black (Requires Armrests) Accessories for Leckey Everyday Activity SeatSize 3 Tray - Plastic Black (Requires Armrests)
sku: SM-151A219

Choose Head Support (Must Match Base Frame Size)

Mygo Contoured Headrest Hardware Accessories for Leckey Everyday Activity SeatMygo Contoured Headrest Hardware
sku: SM-151AW24
Mygo Contoured Headrest Pad Accessories for Leckey Everyday Activity SeatMygo Contoured Headrest Pad
sku: SM-141Y027

Choose Foot Positioning

Small Sandals with Straps (Pair) Accessories for Leckey Everyday Activity SeatSmall Sandals with Straps (Pair)
sku: SM-152-1600
Medium Sandals with Straps (Pair) Accessories for Leckey Everyday Activity SeatMedium Sandals with Straps (Pair)
sku: SM-152-2600
Large Sandals with Straps (Pair) Accessories for Leckey Everyday Activity SeatLarge Sandals with Straps (Pair)
sku: SM-152-3600

Choose Harness

Medium Trunk Harness Accessories for Leckey Everyday Activity SeatMedium Trunk Harness
sku: SM-155-N001-L601
Large Butterfly Harness Accessories for Leckey Everyday Activity SeatLarge Butterfly Harness
sku: SM-155-N001-L602

More Information

Accessories for Leckey Everyday Activity Seat provide a vast array of options that better accommodate a range of postural concerns for positioning, comfort, and stabilization.

For head support, the Everyday Activity Seat is available with a contoured headrest, flat headrest, and added laterals for the flat headrest. The contoured headrest is ideal for users with moderate head control, comfortably nestling the head inside a contoured surface with multiple adjustments that ensure ideal support. The flat headrest is cushioned and includes width, height, and depth adjustments while optional laterals can be added for improved head security. The Size 3 seat is only available with the contoured headrest, which is better suited than the flat headrest for the needs of older users.

Thoracic support is provided by your choice of rigid chest laterals, swing-away chest laterals, chest supports, seat protraction pad, and a trunk harness. Laterals provide adjustable lateral support for the trunk, with the fixed laterals being adjustable but stable and the swing-away laterals being more versatile with the ability to be easily folded away. The chest support provides added trunk control when combined with the laterals. Seat protraction pads add a bit of extra positioning stability, keeping users more firmly positioned within the area of the chair back. The trunk harness is ideal for those who require side, front, and shoulder support.

The upper extremities can be comfortably stabilized with height and angle adjustable armrests that are constructed with soft polyurethane for improved comfort. Additional length design offers support for transfers but can also be easily removed for hoisting transfers. The activity tray not only provides a versatile and convenient worksurface, but can also supply increased anterior support for users with low tone or fatigue.

Pelvic positioning is supplied through an adduction side pad, standard side pad, four-point pelvic belt, and a wedge-shaped pommel. The adduction side pads provide additional lateral support when the seat is at maximum depth. Standard side pads are soft and comfortable, offering width adjustment for the seat base while also providing lateral stability. The four-point pelvic belt is cushioned for comfort and can be easily adjusted from the center to ensure a midline position and pelvic stability. If leg abduction is required, the wedge-shaped pommel offers comfortable separation.

For leg and feet positioning a footplate and sandals with straps are available. The one-piece footplate is height and angle adjustable and can be easily flipped up and locked into position to facilitate smooth and easy transfers. The Size 3 footplate includes two calf supports to accommodate the increased weight limit. Sandals with straps offer feet support that can be angle and depth adjusted to better support asymmetries and even weight distribution.


Accessories for Leckey Everyday Activity Seat Picture


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Accessories for Leckey Everyday Activity Seat Pictures:

Accessories for Leckey Everyday Activity Seat
Accessories for Leckey Everyday Activity Seat
Pictured are the rigid chest laterals
Pictured are the rigid chest laterals
Pictured is the swing-away chest laterals
Pictured is the swing-away chest laterals
Pictured is the seat protraction pad
Pictured is the seat protraction pad
Pictured is the 4-point pelvic harness
Pictured is the 4-point pelvic harness
Pictured is the armrest
Pictured is the armrest
Pictured is the abduction side pad
Pictured is the abduction side pad
Pictured is the side pad
Pictured is the side pad
Pictured is the wedge shape pommel
Pictured is the wedge shape pommel
Pictured are the gray and black tray options
Pictured are the gray and black tray options
Pictured is the contoured headrest
Pictured is the contoured headrest
Pictured is the flat headrest
Pictured is the flat headrest
Pictured are the seat laterals for the flat headrest option
Pictured are the seat laterals for the flat headrest option
Pictured are the sandals with straps
Pictured are the sandals with straps
Pictured is the one piece footplate
Pictured is the one piece footplate