Financing Options:
Consumer Financing available
Product Overview:

As a six-point sling, each Hoyer Long Seat is designed for an optimal comfort level during transfers without compromising patient safety. As a long seat sling, its build accommodates amputee patients and other qualified patients. Additionally, it is fit for recumbent position lifting and transferring, especially critical transfers like a floor-to-chair.

With color attachment loops, caregivers are able to properly hook the sling's loops onto the cradle in accordance with the user's needs, ensuring a secure position before transferring.
This product is non-returnable.

Product Specifications / Dimensions

Product Options:

Choose Size of Polyester Long Seat 6-Point Sling

Small Polyester Long Seat 6-Point Sling
sku: JHI-NA1100
Medium Polyester Long Seat 6-Point Sling
sku: JHI-NA1103
Large Polyester Long Seat 6-Point Sling
sku: JHI-NA1106
X-Large Polyester Long Seat 6-Point Sling
sku: JHI-NA1109

Choose Size of Net Mesh Long Seat 6-Point Sling

Small Net Mesh Long Seat 6-Point Sling
sku: JHI-NA1101
Medium Net Mesh Long Seat 6-Point Sling
sku: JHI-NA1104
Large Net Mesh Long Seat 6-Point Sling
sku: JHI-NA1107

Additional Documentation on This Product

More Information

Built for comfort and safety, the Hoyer Long Seat Loop Style Sling series comes in two (2) fabric options, as well as three (3) sizes per material choice. With these options, caregivers are able to best provide their patients with the sling style and size that they need. With six (6) loops for 6-point spreader bars, each sling is built for accommodating from a recumbent position. Additionally, its side suspenders better assist with providing a comfortable patient during transfers.

Despite being designed for amputee patients, the long seat series can be utilized with other patient types, including that require a longer period of time in the sling, such as cleaning their bed or giving them a bath. However, these special cases should be evaluated by a qualified person for suitability.

What lifts does this sling style fit?

Hoyer Long Seat 6-Point Loop Style Sling Picture

Hoyer Long Seat 6-Point Loop Style Sling Picture

FAQ For Hoyer Long Seat 6-Point Loop Style Sling

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