The Foamed Knee Immobilizer with Compression Straps from United Ortho offers a quick and easy application solution for injured knees. Its design provides a comfortable yet stable knee immobilization while accommodating universal sizing for any individual with knee conditions such as collateral ligament sprains, patella tension repairs, or post-operative knee immobilization.
A Foamed Knee Immobilizer with Compression Straps has a single-wrapping construction utilizing padded foam, cotton lining, and aluminum. The padded foam and cotton lining provide comfort and minimize skin with the device since they act as the compressive cushioning and primary supporting layer.
The combination of the foam and cotton lining ensures a cushioning surface, but these cannot fully immobilize the leg. For this reason, the device also has removable and malleable medial aluminum, and posterior aluminum stays work as supporting layers. The medial or lateral aluminum stays focused on providing a stable structure and gives the device a frame. Meanwhile, the posterior aluminum primarily works as a line of support to prove a ridged
The best feature of this device is how it functions as a one-piece item to compress your knee evenly. Compressing and immobilizing cannot be any easier with the 3-inch wide compression straps since the wide straps ensure a proper fit while optimizing the tension of each strap. With the ability to adjust the compression and tension to meet your own needs, the device can guarantee the security of the device and knee.
This comes in standard or cotton-lined models that accommodate various adult sizes. However, measure the thigh circumference 6 inches above the mid-patella for the ideal size.