Financing Options:
Consumer Financing available
Product Overview:

The eFOLDi Lite Super Portable Scooter from Afikim is a cutting-edge mobility scooter designed to provide users with a lightweight, portable design accompanied by an impressive operating range. The award-winning scooter features a lightweight yet sturdy magnesium alloy frame that enables it to support up to 265 pounds with ease, ensuring that it can provide invaluable transportation to nearly any user. This sturdy frame is also notably lightweight, as the scooter weighs just 28 pounds. This makes it the perfect combination of strength and portability for users on the go. With this in mind, the eFOLDi Lite Super Portable Scooter is an invaluable option for anyone who requires mobility assistance while on the go.

Product Specifications / Dimensions

Specifiction LabelSpecification Value
Folded Dimensions dimensions 26 x 22 x 15 in.
Unfolded Dimensions 46 x 22 x 35 in.
Seat Height 20 in.
Footrest Height 4.7 in.
Front-Wheel Size 8 in.
Rear Wheel Size 10 in.
Ground Clearance2.7 in.
Weight With Battery 33 lbs
Weight Without Battery 28 lbs
Speed 4 mph
Maximum Range Capacity 14 miles
Maximum Carry Capacity 265 lbs
Maximum Incline 6 degrees
Motor Type 250W 24V Hub Motor
Battery Standard 10ah Li-Ion
Brake Electric Magnetic
Main switch Push-button
Lights No light
Number of wheels 3
Turning radius 39 in.
Quick release wheel Yes
Place to use Pavement and Indoor

More Information

Afikim's eFOLDi Lite Super Portable Scooter offers users unrivaled convenience from their mobility scooter through its combination of lightweight portability and broad operating range. The scooter's lightweight design is accompanied by its quick and convenient folding ability. In just seconds, the scooter can be folded up into a compact, portable size that fits easily into a car or on public transportation. This helps to make the eFOLDi scooter among the best options for portable mobility scooters, enabling users to take it almost anywhere to ensure mobility support is always available when needed. Additionally, the scooter's three-wheel design allows for a tight 39-degree turning radius, which makes navigating tight corners and cramped spaces simple and easy. This makes it so there is nowhere that the eFOLDi scooter cannot go.

Accompanying the eFOLDi Scooter's invaluable lightweight portability, it also boasts an impressive 14-mile operating range thanks to its high-powered 10AH lithium-ion battery. With such a broad operating range and such convenient portability, the scooter allows users to get out and about to get things done without needing to worry about stopping to recharge the battery. When the time comes to recharge the battery, the scooter comes equipped with an easy-to-use charger that rapidly returns the battery to a full charge, ensuring that convenient mobility is always available. In these ways, the eFOLDi Lite Super Portable Scooter provides any user with top-tier mobility and convenience.



Easily Fits in the TrunkeFOLDi Lite Super Portable Ultra Lightweight Mobility Scooter by Afikim Picture

Travel ApprovedeFOLDi Lite Super Portable Ultra Lightweight Mobility Scooter by Afikim Picture

FAQ For eFOLDi Lite Super Portable Ultra Lightweight Mobility Scooter by Afikim

? Have a question about this product? Click here to ask us!
Is the eFOLDi Lite Super Portable Ultra Lightweight Mobility Scooter handlebar or seat height adjustable?
Answer: No, the eFOLDi Lite Super Portable Ultra Lightweight Mobility Scooter handlebar or seat are not height adjustable.
What type of pressure the eFOLDi Lite Super Portable Ultra Lightweight Mobility Scooter tires need?
Answer: The eFOLDi Lite Super Portable Ultra Lightweight Mobility Scooter rear tyres require 35 PSI for a comfortable ride, the eFOLDi Lite has a solid front tyre.
How do I remove the eFOLDi Lite Super Portable Ultra Lightweight Mobility Scooter rear wheels?
Answer: You can remove the eFOLDi Lite Super Portable Ultra Lightweight Mobility Scooter by pressing the button in the centre of each wheel, which will then release it from the frame.
What is the eFOLDi Lite Super Portable Ultra Lightweight Mobility Scooter maximum speed?
Answer: The eFOLDi Lite Super Portable Ultra Lightweight Mobility Scooter maximum speed is up to 4 mph.
How long does the eFOLDi Lite Super Portable Ultra Lightweight Mobility Scooter battery takes to charge?
Answer: The eFOLDi Lite Super Portable Ultra Lightweight Mobility Scooter battery takes 5 hours maximum - Do not charge for more than 24 hours.

eFOLDi Lite Super Portable Ultra Lightweight Mobility Scooter by Afikim Pictures:

eFOLDi Lite Super Portable Ultra Lightweight Mobility Scooter by Afikim
eFOLDi Lite Super Portable Ultra Lightweight Mobility Scooter by Afikim
eFoldi Lite Super Portable Scooter - View from Behind
eFoldi Lite Super Portable Scooter - View from Behind
eFoldi Lite Super Portable Scooter - View of the Scooter Folded Up
eFoldi Lite Super Portable Scooter - View of the Scooter Folded Up
Picture shows how the scooter folds down and is easy for travel
Picture shows how the scooter folds down and is easy for travel