Financing Options:
Consumer Financing available
Product Overview:

Communicate verbally at work, in your home, or while traveling. The AAC Portable Keyboard and Speaker for Speech Generation Device with an Extra Palm Size Keyboard for Travel Use comes with 2 keyboards and an AAC speaker that transmits messages in English and Spanish. The bilingual setting is easy to use, and you can also set the voice to a male or female tone.

Type in your thoughts on a computer, phone, or directly into the speaker. Both keyboards come with standard keys as well as preset programs that relay a recorded message instantly. This allows you to quickly respond to common questions on your handheld or traditional keyboard.

Product Specifications / Dimensions

More Information

The AAC Portable Keyboard and Speaker for Speech Generation Device with an Extra Palm Size Keyboard for Travel Use is a great starter pack for anyone looking for an AAC device they can use anywhere. The Wireless Dual Keyboard set includes a classic keyboard and compatible voice generator and a second keyboard small enough to fit in a pocket or tote bag. This gives patients who need assistance speaking an option to use at home, while working, or even when traveling.

Both keyboards are designed like classic models and work with a computer or your phone. They also work with the speaker attachment, which can broadcast messages in either English or Spanish.

Switch the power button on, and it is ready to use right away, with a high/low volume control attached to the device.

Programmed commands are available alongside the classic characters you know from a traditional keyboard. This shortcut is handy when quickly asking questions or responding to someone at work or home.

The AAC Portable Keyboard and Speaker for Speech Generation Device with an Extra Palm Size Keyboard for Travel Use is a compact option that you can carry with you nearly anywhere. It enables children and adults with injuries and illnesses affecting their voice to speak using a text-to-talk tool for communicating on the go.

The affordable set is battery-powered and durable, ensuring you can use it time after time.




FAQ For AAC Portable Keyboard and Speaker for Speech Generation Device with an Extra Palm Size Keyboard for Travel Use

? Have a question about this product? Click here to ask us!
What languages can the AAC Portable Keyboard and Speaker for Speech Generation Device speak?
Answer: The talking keyboard can speak both English and Spanish.
How many phrases can the AAC Portable Keyboard and Speaker for Speech Generation Device speak?
Answer: This device can speak up to 30 user defined phrases with one single key press.
What's all included in the AAC Portable Keyboard and Speaker for Speech Generation Device?
Answer: This product comes with the talking speaker, a wireless keyboard, and a wireless palm sized keyboard to better help more users.

AAC Portable Keyboard and Speaker for Speech Generation Device with an Extra Palm Size Keyboard for Travel Use Pictures:

AAC Portable Keyboard and Speaker for Speech Generation Device with an Extra Palm Size Keyboard for Travel Use
AAC Portable Keyboard and Speaker for Speech Generation Device with an Extra Palm Size Keyboard for Travel Use
Portable Keyboard - Close up
Portable Keyboard - Close up
Speaker Details
Speaker Details
Palm Size Keyboard for on-the-go voice generating
Palm Size Keyboard for on-the-go voice generating