Product Overview:

The Surgical Drainage Bulb Holder Kit by Bird & Cronin is an essential tool for simplifying post-breast surgery care. This innovative kit features two bulb holders that securely manage drainage bulbs, ensuring patient comfort and mobility during the recovery process. The inclusion of measuring cups allows for accurate output measurement, enabling healthcare professionals to monitor drainage levels effectively. Additionally, the kit provides a recording sheet for systematic monitoring, offering a comprehensive solution for efficient drain management. With the focus on patient comfort and convenience, this kit is designed to streamline the post-surgery care process, providing medical professionals and patients with the necessary tools to support a successful recovery. The thoughtful design and attention to detail make this kit an invaluable resource for healthcare facilities and patients alike.

Product Specifications / Dimensions

Specifiction LabelSpecification Value
Drainage Bulb Holders2
Measuring Cups2
Drainage Output Recording Sheet1

More Information

The Surgical Drainage Bulb Holder Kit by Bird & Cronin offers a comprehensive solution for managing drains post-breast surgery. This specialized kit includes two drainage bulb holders designed to securely hold surgical drainage bulbs in place, minimizing discomfort and enhancing patient mobility during the recovery period. Furthermore, the kit features two measuring cups that facilitate accurate measurement of drainage output, which is crucial for monitoring postoperative progress and detecting any complications that may arise.

In addition to the bulb holders and measuring cups, the kit includes a drainage output recording sheet, which further streamlines the monitoring process. This enables healthcare providers to systematically track drainage levels, ensuring comprehensive oversight of the patient's recovery.

Overall, the kit provides a convenient and efficient way to manage surgical drains after breast surgery, offering patients and healthcare professionals a reliable tool to effectively support the healing process. With its thoughtful design and comprehensive features, the Surgical Drainage Bulb Holder Kit is an essential resource for postoperative care, providing peace of mind and practical support during the recovery journey.

FAQ For Surgical Drainage Bulb Holder Kit BY Bird & Cronin

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