Product Overview:

The Skil-Care Sleeper Jacket is a superior restraint option over most other vest-style restraints due to having a greater coverage area while also having the versatility of bed or wheelchair use. The wrap around waist belt and zipper back of The Skil-Care Sleeper Jacket makes for easy application and enables residents to sleep in any position to maximize comfort level without the ability to self-remove. The Skil-Care Sleeper Jacket is available in sizes small through large with the option of a Poly Weave or CooLine Mesh material.
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Product Specifications / Dimensions

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Product Options:

Poly Weave Fabric Sleeper Jacket Size Option

Small, 80 - 130 pounds Skil-Care Sleeper JacketsSmall, 80 - 130 pounds
sku: SKC-305103
Medium, 130 - 160 pounds Skil-Care Sleeper JacketsMedium, 130 - 160 pounds
sku: SKC-305104
Large, 160 - 200 pounds Skil-Care Sleeper JacketsLarge, 160 - 200 pounds
sku: SKC-305105

CooLine Mesh Fabric Sleeper Jacket Size Option

Small, 80 - 130 pounds Skil-Care Sleeper JacketsSmall, 80 - 130 pounds
sku: SKC-305113
Medium, 130 - 160 pounds Skil-Care Sleeper JacketsMedium, 130 - 160 pounds
sku: SKC-305114
Large, 160 - 200 pounds Skil-Care Sleeper JacketsLarge, 160 - 200 pounds
sku: SKC-305115

Additional Documentation on This Product

More Information

If you're looking for a superior restraint that is more secure than most vest-style restraints, with the added versatility of bed or chair use, than choose the Skil-Care Sleeper Jacket.

Sleeper Jacket Features:
  • Difficult for residents to remove on their own
  • Easy application with a zipper back
  • Enables residents to sleep in any position while using the wrap-around waist belt
  • Available in three different sizes (small, medium, and large)
  • Very secure with all straps fastening under the bed, where they are safely out of resident's reach
  • Versatile - can be used as a highly effective bed restraint and wheelchair restraint
  • Option of a Poly Weave or CooLine Mesh material

Skil-Care Sleeper Jackets Picture

Skil-Care Sleeper Jackets Picture
Skil-Care Sleeper Jackets Picture 

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