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Product Overview:

When people use the powerfully compact Relax Infrared Therapy Table Lamp for the first time, they immediately feel the healing benefits from the far-infrared energy. Providing 200-watts of safe, non-toxic, and non-invasive pain relief, this portable therapy table lamp can be spotlighted on specific parts of the body to provide discomfort relief. It's exceptionally helpful for hand and finger stiffness, joint discomfort, soreness, and inflammation; the lamp also assists in decreasing swelling and mitigating fluid retention. Thanks to the innovative therapy it supplies, this table lamp is ideal for home use, salon use, and for use in therapy facilities.

Product Specifications / Dimensions

Specifiction LabelSpecification Value
Product Size 10" x 6.5" x 8"
Box Size 10" x 7.5" x 6.5"
Weight 4 LB
Voltage AC 100V ~ 240V
Power 200W

More Information

The Relax Infrared Therapy Table Lamp made by Relax Sauna is a portable far infrared (FIR) lamp that uses patented and award-winning Pure Far infrared technology. The lamp utilizes specially designed FIR generators that apply the quickest heat-up times and the optimal penetration of healing rays into the users body's tissues. Unlike ultraviolet light that has damaging effects on the cells and tissues of a persons body, infrared wavelength energy is compatible with and readily absorbed by the body to help cells regenerate or repair themselves. FIR also helps to improve oxygen-rich blood circulation that assists with promoting faster healing of deep tissues as well as relieving pain. If you've ever laid in the sun's warmth and felt its penetrating rays, you've experienced the healing effects of far infrared therapy!

Beauticians, as well as elderly individuals, like to use the lamp's 200-watts of power to target specific parts of the body and skin to promote collagen and elastin production; this therapy can also help increase blood circulation in the body's tissues, specifically in the hands and fingers. Often, when people use this safe, natural, non-invasive, and non-toxic lamp and its far-infrared energy light for the first time, they will experience immediate results and pain relief that they have not been able to find anywhere else.

This energy-efficient, portable, and durable table lamp will heat up in seconds to penetrate deeply into tissues, offering immediate relief. Using this lamp can result in an improved alleviation of pain, inflammation, soreness, stiffness, and discomfort as well as decrease water retention to encourage detoxification.

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Relax Far Infrared Therapy Table Lamp Picture

What Customers Are Saying:

"I had an infection in my jaw and pain shooting up my face. I help the lamp by my jaw for 5 minutes. 20 minutes later there was no pain. When I woke up in the morning the whole infection had drained. Amazing - Beth K."

"My neck has been stiff since last week. I noticed more range of movement in 3 minutes of using this lamp. It feels a lot more relaxed. I feel a sense of relief. The heat feels like it is still there and continuing to work on those muscles - Cheryl M."

"I had a somewhat painful great toenail edge for several months. I thought this was due to a subclinical type of infection or overgrown nail. I used the Relax FAR infrared table lamp on my toe for 5-10 minutes and my toes are completely painless. - Thomas S."

FAQ For Relax Far Infrared Therapy Table Lamp

? Have a question about this product? Click here to ask us!
What is the difference between red, blue, and infrared light?
Answer: The body absorbs different colors of light, as each color has its own unique wavelength. All three colors complement each other thus prompt cellular function to induce the body's healing ability. Typically blue light is known to contain antimicrobial properties, which makes it effective for wound healing or skin care. Red light is known to increase circulation and infrared light can be used to reach dipper tissues such as muscles, ligaments, and tendons.
Does infrared light therapy hurt?
Answer: No, it might feel a little warm but this procedure is gentle, non-invasive, and painless.
How close can I use this device on my face or my back?
Answer: The device can be used as close as possible without burning your skin.

Relax Far Infrared Therapy Table Lamp Pictures:

Relax Far Infrared Therapy Table Lamp
Relax Far Infrared Therapy Table Lamp
The flexible arm can be adjusted, so you can point the lamp at many areas of your body.
The flexible arm can be adjusted, so you can point the lamp at many areas of your body.
Use it on many areas of your body
Use it on many areas of your body