Infra Therm Slim Line Infrared Treadmill is a high-performance option for endurance training that allows you to get one of the most efficient cardiovascular workouts available. Pair traditional walking and jogging movements with infrared light technology to challenge yourself more by increasing your muscle temperature during your workout. The additional light and heat allow you to sweat more and burn fat faster while using the device, making it a great option for high-intensity training.
The standard model includes the open-air capsule and treadmill, which has built-in infrared technology using heat lamps on both sides of the device. There are also premium models available if you purchase a treadmill which has additional perks.
What are some of the advantages of choosing a premium model? In addition to all the high-performance attributes of the standard Infra Therm Slim Line Infrared Treadmill, you'll also get access to technical features that rival any luxury exercise product on the market. WiFi, social media integration, customizable playlists, and instructions in 8 languages make the premium package a great option for businesses or private residences that want unparalleled performance with the highest standards.
Other optional add-ons include a software package to help you track performance statistics and Vacu Magic Slim Line capsules designed for ellipticals or exercise bikes. Choose the Infra Therm Slim Line Infrared Treadmill and start challenging yourself to reach new levels of stamina, endurance, and overall health.
Infra Therm Open Treadmill - Demo |
Infra Therm Open Treadmill - Video |