Wheelchair Carriers can be used to carry power scooters on the back of your car, SUV, van, or truck. Scooter Lifts for vehicles and wheelchair/scooter carriers are devices that allow a physically impaired user to get out and drive by themselves thanks to a carrier lift.
How to Tell the Difference Between a Wheelchair Carrier and a Wheelchair Lift.
A wheelchair/scooter carrier is a larger device that is connected to the external rear of the vehicle, usually on a trailer hitch. A carrier can also be located inside of a van or SUV. The main function of a scooter carrier is to act as an elevated trailer for your wheelchair/ scooter. Some wheelchair carriers can bring the wheelchair fully inside of the van. Most wheelchair carriers secure the scooter outside by your trunk. Wheelchair carriers often fold flat against your vehicle when there is no wheelchair attached. Intuitive control panels will lower and raise the carrier platform so you can secure your wheelchair to the back of your vehicle.
A wheelchair lift, aka wheelchair hoist, is a smaller device that is designed to do the heavy lifting for you and often includes a swing arm. Swing arm models can lift a wheelchair from the rear of a car or bed of a truck and some even position the wheelchair next to the driver's seat. Stand-alone models exist to make lifting a heavy scooter off the ground easier for those with limited muscle strength.
Both a carrier and a lift will support a wheelchair/scooter, and with the push of a button you can control a battery-operated motor to lift or lower your scooter. Manually operated carrier lifts exist for individuals with some strength to position a wheelchair in their vehicle, but not enough strength to lift the whole wheelchair from the ground.
How to Choose Between Lift or Carrier?
Depending on the user’s physical independence :
Are they able to drive their wheelchair onto an outside hitch-mounted platform, then stand up for a brief period of time, lock the scooter on the exterior platform carrier, operate the vehicle lift/hoist carrier, and walk to the car door? If you can stand for brief periods of time then a carrier will work for you! If you cannot stand independently, then a lift with a swing arm will be the best option for your driving independence and mobility.
Would it be best for the user to be seated in the vehicle and have a caretaker/ assistant operate an exterior lift to secure the heavy scooter or wheelchair into a vehicle? Any carrier or lift will work with an able bodied caregiver to operate the controls while the user remains seated in the vehicle.
It's best to decide whether the user feels comfortable with their scooter or wheelchair being carried inside or outside the vehicle. We recommend pairing any exterior scooter carrier with a rain cover to protect it from the elements.
Remember, when selecting the correct wheelchair carrier or lift that fits your vehicle and budget, there are a few things to keep in mind. You first need to verify that the model, make, and year of the vehicle that will be using the carrier or lift must be able to work with the carrier or lift. Next, make sure the type of wheelchair or scooter you are using will fit onto the carrier or lift and will not exceed the weight capacity.
What Are The Types Of Carriers And Lifts?
The three main types of carriers and lifts are power, manual, and hybrid.