Wheelchair Power Assists and Wheelchair Power Add Ons

6 Products On Sale Below
Top Seller #1
EZRide+ Wheelchair Power Assist Motor Attachment
Starting at: $1,099.00
EZ Ride
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Top Seller #2
Firefly 2.5 Wheelchair Power Assist Device from Rio Mobility
Starting at: $2,649.00
Rio Mobility
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Top Seller #3
SMOOV Electric Power Assist for Manual Wheelchairs by Alber USA
Starting at: $5,596.00
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Top Seller #4
The Dragonfly 2.0 Manual Handcycle Wheelchair Attachment
Starting at: $1,999.00
Rio Mobility
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eDragonfly 2.0 Electric Handcycle Wheelchair Power Assist Device
Starting at: $2,399.00
Rio Mobility
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Smart Drive MX2+ Wheelchair Power Assist
Starting at: $6,675.40
Smart Drive
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Who Benefits From a Power Assist Wheelchair Device?

  • Individuals who lack the strength or who would become physically tired maneuvering their manual wheelchair over long distances during a day at work, visiting, shopping, or at the airport 
  • People who enjoy their manual, lightweight, foldable wheelchair instead of a heavier, more costly, and difficult to transport power wheelchair or scooter
  • Children who might have difficulty keeping up with their peers at school or at play
  • People who enjoy their independence but may need that extra “push” once-in-awhile during their daily travels 

A Wheelchair Power Assist Add-On provides a manual wheelchair with a power boost to propel the wheelchair over various surfaces to enhance user independence. Most independent adults and children who use a manual wheelchair for daily activities will be enabled to travel further, enhancing endurance to function throughout the day at a level needed to maintain an active lifestyle.

Providing a more functional and less expensive option than a motorized wheelchair or scooter, a power assist wheelchair add-on offers maximum degrees of independence to the wheelchair user. Power Assist devices allow easier movements up inclined ramps, transit on thick carpeting, over curbs, and other obstacles with less stress on your shoulders.

The quick adjustment and clip-on ability of power assist wheelchair devices make life easier for individuals who use their wheelchair to travel long distances every day. Maintaining stamina can become difficult, even for the most physically abled wheelchair user. For those who lack upper body strength, a wheelchair power add-on can reduce their frustration and the pain in their arms and shoulders while at the same time enhancing their mobile independence and enjoyment.

Types of Power Assist devices

There are 3 main types of power assist wheelchair devices:

  • Rear Mounted Power Assist
  • Front Drive / Towing Power Assist
  • Power Assist Wheels

Rear Mounted Power Assist devices are the most popular mobility device for a manual wheelchair. It’s a single-motor add-on that easily attaches to the back axle of the wheelchair to push the wheelchair through many terrains ranging from thick carpeting, a steep hill, and even a curb. One such example is the SMOOV Electric Power Assist for Manual Wheelchairs by Alber USA, a portable device that easily attaches to the back end of the wheelchair with a clamp-on mounting system. It will provide broad functionality in a wide range of situations with a max speed of 6 mph and a traveling range up to 12-miles before requiring a recharge of its lithium-ion battery. The controller is a blue-tooth device that connects to the wheelchair frame to allow the user to easily control the speed and direction of the wheelchair.

A great example of a rear-mounted power assist tool is the Smart Drive MX2+ Wheelchair Power Assistance device that will also use its rear-real drive to push a wheelchair through different types of terrain. The PushTracer motor is operated with the PushTracker wearable band that works similarly to a FitBit, using hand/arm gestures that signal the motor via Bluetooth. A double-tap activates the motor and acceleration at a programmable rate, a single tap locks the speed, and another double-tap disengages the motor that allows the wheelchair to coast to a stop controlled by the user’s hands.

A Front Drive Power Assist device is a wheel with a motor that attaches to the front of a manual wheelchair and provides handlebars with controls. It lifts the front castors off the ground so the wheelchair contacts the ground with the rear wheels and the front motorized wheel.

Power Assist Wheels are similar to conventional real wheelchair wheels but have motors built into the hubs of the wheels. When the wheelchair user pushes on the hand rim, it senses the exerted pressure and signals to the motor in the wheel hub to start turning in the same direction as the user is pushing the wheelchair.