Product Overview:

The shoe is designed to provide protection and support for the foot and toes throughout the year, regardless of the season. The rocker sole is designed to reduce plantar pressure under the forefoot and heel, promoting comfort and healing. The squaretoe design acts as a bumper to protect the toes from injury and pressure. The ankle strap ensures that the foot is seated firmly in the shoe, reducing heel slippage and friction. The removable forefoot closure provides security while eliminating buckle pressure, ensuring a comfortable fit. The zoned outsole features an aggressive tread under the midfoot where traction is needed most, providing stability and support. The removable insole features extrathick padding that can be modified as needed to accommodate individual requirements. The unique metatarsal shank under the MP joints increases support and rigidity, ensuring optimal protection and stability for the foot.

Product Specifications / Dimensions

Specifiction LabelSpecification Value
Unisex SizeWomen's SizeMen's Size
XSmall4 in. 7 in.Up to 6 in.
Small 7.5 in. 10 in.6 in. 8 in.
Medium 10.5 in. 13 in.8.5 in. 10 in.
Large 13 in. +10.5 in. 12 in.
XLarge12.5 in. 14 in.N/A
Insole Removable

Product Options:


All Purpose Boot - X-SmallAll Purpose Boot - X-Small
sku: BNC-08142291
All Purpose Boot - SmallAll Purpose Boot - Small
sku: BNC-08142292
All Purpose Boot - MediumAll Purpose Boot - Medium
sku: BNC-08142293
All Purpose Boot - LargeAll Purpose Boot - Large
sku: BNC-08142294
All Purpose Boot - X-LargeAll Purpose Boot - X-Large
sku: BNC-08142295

More Information

As an allpurpose boot, the Darco A.P.B. Hi is suitable for various foot and ankle conditions and injuries, including postoperative care, fractures, sprains, and strains. The boot typically features adjustable straps or closures, allowing for a customized fit to accommodate different foot sizes and shapes. This ensures optimal comfort and support for the wearer. The boot provides protection for the foot and ankle, shielding them from further injury and reducing the risk of aggravating existing conditions. It may feature a durable outer shell to provide additional protection against impact and external forces. The primary function of the boot is to immobilize the foot and ankle, preventing excessive movement and promoting proper healing of injuries such as fractures or sprains. This immobilization helps reduce pain, swelling, and inflammation. Despite its supportive and protective features, the Darco A.P.B. Hi is designed with comfort in mind. It typically includes cushioning or padding on the interior to provide comfort during prolonged wear. The boot often features breathable materials to prevent overheating and promote airflow around the foot and ankle, reducing the risk of moisture buildup and skin irritation. Despite its supportive features, the boot is designed to have a low profile, allowing it to be worn with regular footwear or fit comfortably under clothing. The Darco A.P.B. Hi AllPurpose Boot is a reliable and versatile option for individuals in need of foot and ankle support and protection. It offers a combination of adjustability, comfort, and functionality to facilitate recovery and mobility for individuals with various foot and ankle conditions. As always, it's important to follow the guidance of a healthcare professional when using medical devices like the Darco A.P.B. Hi to ensure proper diagnosis, treatment, and usage.

FAQ For Darco Post Op All Purpose Boot A.P.B. by Bird & Cronin

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