Product Overview:

The Comfy Splints Hand Wrist Orthosis provides support and positioning at the wrist, hand, and fingers, and is recommended for weak, deformed, or flaccid hands and wrists. Wings on the side can be adjusted to improve the fit and to prevent ulnar or radial deviation. Use the Comfy Splints Hand Wrist Orthosis as a resting splint to protect joints and position it to improve range of motion. Navy only. The Comfy Splints Hand Wrist Orthosis can only be returned unused within 30 days.
This product is non-returnable.

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Therapeutic uses of the Comfy Splints Hand Wrist Orthosis:
Graduated extension of the spastic clenched fingers and wrist
Corrects and controls radial or ulnar deviation
Controls wrist drop
Helps restrict arthritic changes and deformity related to neuromascular impairment
Positions the flaccid hand and wrist
Maintains skin integrity by absorbing moisture, allowing air circulation and preventing skin maceration on palmer surface
Allows for increased hygiene care by allowing nail care and cleaning of palmer surface
Optional Finger Separator attachment (FS-1) helps improve hygiene and prvent skin breakdown at joints between fingers
Maintainance of functional position of the wrist and hand

Advantages of the Comfy Splints Hand Wrist Orthosis:
The splint is adjustable and re-adjustable to individual patient without the use of heat or tools
The splint can be graduated up to increase finger and wrist extension
The splint is lightweight and durable
The splint comes with one or two covers that can be laundered
The splint cover is made of durable terrycloth that absorbs moisture and prevents skin maceration
The splint cover is lined with soft foam that covers the whole frame of the splint so that any edges that touch the patient are padded to prevent pressure areas on patients body
The splint straps are foam lined for comfort and to prevent pressure areas
The splint straps closes with velcro - but no velcro touches the patient's skin
The splint is soft with rounded padded edges to minimize self injury


Patient has circulatory problems
Pressure areas or skin irritations appear
Patient has persistent pain in the wrist, fingers and hand
Patient has increased edema, redness or blisters







HCPCS Disclaimer: HCPCS codes and Home Health Consolidated Billing codes provided by Rehabmart are intended as general guidelines only. Rehabmart does not guarantee coverage or reimbursement of any products. You must address all coverage and reimbursement issues (including the correctness and accuracy of codes) with your individual payers. It is your responsibility to ensure the accuracy and appropriateness of each claim you submit, in accordance with all applicable payer requirements.

FAQ For Comfy Splints Hand Wrist Orthosis

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Customer Reviews of Comfy Splints Hand Wrist Orthosis

Item Reviewed: Comfy Splints Hand Wrist Orthosis
2 Review(s) - Average Customer Rating: 4.5 (1.0 to 5.0 scale)


Posted By:

I have used this splint in the past and almost always get the finger abductor piece with it. My clients with flexor tone in the fingers benefit as this reduces the tone. Use tenodesis movement first and or neurostretch and avoid touching the palm before applying. I would like some way to attach the piece to prevent it from becoming lost. I can always place a few stitches in the sides, sewing required. The moldable part of it makes it helpful with adjustments to the wrist without heating. I use to have a Rep come out when I didn't know anything about this type of splint( use to only use orthoplast-hand therapy background), but that material is not great with the elderly nor comfortable. If using this splint for the first time it may take awhile to understand the properties or benefits. My go to splint for flexed fingers with tone.

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Comfy Splints Hand Wrist Orthosis Pictures:

Comfy Splints Hand Wrist Orthosis
Comfy Splints Hand Wrist Orthosis
Top view of the Comfy Splints Hand Wrist Orthosis
Top view of the Comfy Splints Hand Wrist Orthosis