Product Overview:

The CanDo TheraPutty provides a fun, exciting way to interest children in their therapeutic exercises. Bright colors and strange textures engage patients and encourage them to participate. Having something to do with their hands can also help young users focus on things like school lessons. The CanDo Theraputty is available in multiple colors and quantities to accommodate a range of uses. Add this exercise putty to your home, classroom, facility, or other space. Not only will it help patients improve hand strength and range of motion, but the CanDo TheraPutty also provides sensory stimulation. The color corresponds with the consistency of the putty, and various consistencies allow it to suit a range of patients.
This product is non-returnable.
Notice: This unique custom fabricated item is made-to-order using a "Just in Time" manufacturing process. This is designed to keep your cost lower, but may require an additional 3 - 4 days lead time before your product ships.

Product Options:

Choose Consistency-XX-Light

Tan - XX-Light, 2 OunceTan - XX-Light, 2 Ounce
sku: FEI-10-0956
Tan - XX-Light, 3 OunceTan - XX-Light, 3 Ounce
sku: FEI-10-0957
Tan - XX-Light, 4 OunceTan - XX-Light, 4 Ounce
sku: FEI-10-0958
Tan - XX-Light, 6 OunceTan - XX-Light, 6 Ounce
sku: FEI-10-0959
Tan - XX-Light, 1 PoundTan - XX-Light, 1 Pound
sku: FEI-10-0994
Tan - XX-Light, 5 PoundTan - XX-Light, 5 Pound
sku: FEI-10-0995
Tan - XX-Light, 50 PoundTan - XX-Light, 50 Pound
sku: FEI-10-1460

Choose Consistency-X-Light

Yellow - X-Light, 2 OunceYellow - X-Light, 2 Ounce
sku: FEI-10-0900
Yellow - X-Light, 3 OunceYellow - X-Light, 3 Ounce
sku: FEI-10-0967
Yellow - X-Light, 4 OunceYellow - X-Light, 4 Ounce
sku: FEI-10-0905
Yellow - X-Light, 6 OunceYellow - X-Light, 6 Ounce
sku: FEI-10-0910
Yellow - X-Light, 1 PoundYellow - X-Light, 1 Pound
sku: FEI-10-0918
Yellow - X-Light, 5 PoundYellow - X-Light, 5 Pound
sku: FEI-10-0923
Yellow - X-Light, 50 PoundYellow - X-Light, 50 Pound
sku: FEI-10-1461

Choose Consistency-Light

Red - Light, 2 OunceRed - Light, 2 Ounce
sku: FEI-10-0901
Red - Light, 3 OunceRed - Light, 3 Ounce
sku: FEI-10-0968
Red - Light, 4 OunceRed - Light, 4 Ounce
sku: FEI-10-0906
Red - Light, 6 OunceRed - Light, 6 Ounce
sku: FEI-10-0911
Red - Light, 1 PoundRed - Light, 1 Pound
sku: FEI-10-0919
Red - Light, 5 PoundRed - Light, 5 Pound
sku: FEI-10-0924
Red - Light, 50 PoundRed - Light, 50 Pound
sku: FEI-10-1462

Choose Consistency-Medium

Green - Medium, 2 OunceGreen - Medium, 2 Ounce
sku: FEI-10-0902
Green - Medium, 3 OunceGreen - Medium, 3 Ounce
sku: FEI-10-0969
Green - Medium, 4 OunceGreen - Medium, 4 Ounce
sku: FEI-10-0907
Green - Medium, 6 OunceGreen - Medium, 6 Ounce
sku: FEI-10-0912
Green - Medium, 1 PoundGreen - Medium, 1 Pound
sku: FEI-10-0920
Green - Medium, 5 PoundGreen - Medium, 5 Pound
sku: FEI-10-0925
Green - Medium, 50 PoundGreen - Medium, 50 Pound
sku: FEI-10-1463

Choose Consistency-Heavy

Blue - Heavy, 2 OunceBlue - Heavy, 2 Ounce
sku: FEI-10-0903
Blue - Heavy, 3 OunceBlue - Heavy, 3 Ounce
sku: FEI-10-0970
Blue - Heavy, 4 OunceBlue - Heavy, 4 Ounce
sku: FEI-10-0908
Blue - Heavy, 6 OunceBlue - Heavy, 6 Ounce
sku: FEI-10-0913
Blue - Heavy, 1 PoundBlue - Heavy, 1 Pound
sku: FEI-10-0921
Blue - Heavy, 5 PoundBlue - Heavy, 5 Pound
sku: FEI-10-0926
Blue - Heavy, 50 PoundBlue - Heavy, 50 Pound
sku: FEI-10-1464

Choose Consistency-X-Heavy

Black -X-Heavy, 2 OunceBlack -X-Heavy, 2 Ounce
sku: FEI-10-1466
Black -X-Heavy, 3 OunceBlack -X-Heavy, 3 Ounce
sku: FEI-10-1467
Black -X-Heavy, 4 OunceBlack -X-Heavy, 4 Ounce
sku: FEI-10-1468
Black -X-Heavy, 6 OunceBlack -X-Heavy, 6 Ounce
sku: FEI-10-1469
Black -X-Heavy, 1 PoundBlack -X-Heavy, 1 Pound
sku: FEI-10-1470
Black -X-Heavy, 5 PoundBlack -X-Heavy, 5 Pound
sku: FEI-10-1471
Black -X-Heavy, 50 PoundBlack -X-Heavy, 50 Pound
sku: FEI-10-1473

Choose Consistency Sets

Set Of 6 Pieces, 2 Ounce - 1 Of EachSet Of 6 Pieces, 2 Ounce - 1 Of Each
sku: FEI-10-1480
Set Of 6 Pieces, 3 Ounce - 1 Of EachSet Of 6 Pieces, 3 Ounce - 1 Of Each
sku: FEI-10-1481
Set Of 6 Pieces, 4 Ounce - 1 Of EachSet Of 6 Pieces, 4 Ounce - 1 Of Each
sku: FEI-10-1482
Set Of 6 Pieces, 6 Ounce - 1 Of EachSet Of 6 Pieces, 6 Ounce - 1 Of Each
sku: FEI-10-1483
Set Of 6 Pieces, 1 Pound - 1 Of EachSet Of 6 Pieces, 1 Pound - 1 Of Each
sku: FEI-10-1484
Set Of 6 Pieces, 5 Pound - 1 Of EachSet Of 6 Pieces, 5 Pound - 1 Of Each
sku: FEI-10-1485

Additional Documentation on This Product

More Information

Putty, also referred to as slime, is a fun, interactive way to engage children in therapeutic exercises. The bright colors and weird texture fascinates and captivates children, encouraging them to manipulate the material in their hands. This is a great way to condition gripping, finger dexterity, and hand strength. This type of exercise also works as a way to enhance and maintain attention spans, as many children find it easier to focus when they have something to occupy their hands.

The CanDo TheraPutty by Fabrication Enterprises offers multiple brightly-colored putties that have different resistance levels. These levels range from extra-extra light for the weakest of grips, all the way up to extra-firm for strengthening an already strong grip. The colors and interesting textures can provide a multi-sensory experience for children with sensory-sensitivity disorders. Patients will also improve their fine motor skills, hand coordination, and pinch strength. This putty can be a valuable tool for recovering from surgery, and can provide therapy nearly anywhere.

All CanDo TheraPutty is made without latex or casein and is gluten-free. Each color of putty can be purchased for personal use in smaller quantities of 2, 3, 4, and 6 ounces, or for professional use in larger containers of 1, 5, and 50 pounds. Different weight options allow the TheraPutty to be used in a variety of spaces, and with more than one patient at a time.

What Customers Are Saying:

"I use these with my kids, It offers a wonderful help to practice hand flexion and finger extension. It's fun, they think they're playing and I know it's safe for them to be around. Great product! - Marley B."

"I got a hand injury two months ago and needed rehabilitation to start using my hand properly again. I can't believe how well this product is doing to my fingers. I practice finger spreading every day and it's just becoming easier and easier. Nice product! -Monica I."

"This product is probably one of the best alternatives for therapy with kids and seniors. I use them at my medical facility all the time. Highly recommended! -Ronald K."

FAQ For Cando Theraputty Standard Exercise Putty

? Have a question about this product? Click here to ask us!
Will insurance pay for the Cando Theraputty Standard Exercise Putty?
Answer: Currently, RehabMart does not accept insurance, Medicare, or Medicaid as payment options. What we can do is provide you with an itemized receipt after purchase, with which you can apply for reimbursement through your insurance provider. To determine which products are eligible for reimbursement, you'll need to speak to a representative of your insurance provider prior to purchase.
Can I practice a thumb press with the Cando Theraputty Standard Exercise Putty?
Answer: Yes! This product is soft yet useful for hand and finger rehabilitation.
Can I microwave the Cando Theraputty Standard Exercise Putty?
Answer: Yes! This product is totally microwave-safe.

Customer Reviews of Cando Theraputty Standard Exercise Putty

Item Reviewed: Cando Theraputty Standard Exercise Putty
1 Review(s) - Average Customer Rating: 5.0 (1.0 to 5.0 scale)

excerpt you might label the extra hard as for athletes

Posted By:

Cando Theraputty Standard Exercise Putty Pictures:

Cando Theraputty Standard Exercise Putty
Cando Theraputty Standard Exercise Putty
Large and small quantities are available
Large and small quantities are available
Cando Theraputty is easy to use at home
Cando Theraputty is easy to use at home
It is an ideal tool for resistive hand exercises
It is an ideal tool for resistive hand exercises
Theraputty comes in easy to open containers
Theraputty comes in easy to open containers
Different colors represent different levels of consistency
Different colors represent different levels of consistency