Product Overview:

Choose from a variety of AmTryke Hand and Foot Cycle Accessories for the AmTryke Hand and Foot Cycles, theAM-9, AM-12 and the AM-16 Hand/Foot Cycle. Accessories include: padded bench seat, the full padded seat back, vertical handgrips, Brachial Plexus Kit, AM-Foot Platform, Pedal Leveler, handstrap, Push Bar and Pull Bar. See additional documentations and pictures below for further specifications on AmTryke Hand and Foot Cycle Accessories.

Product Options:

Choose Accessories and Replacement Parts

4 inch Crank Arm with Chain
sku: AMT-80-20-0004
5 inch Crank Arm with Chain
sku: AMT-80-20-0005
Brachial Plexus Kit
sku: AMT-30-23-2001
3 inch Crank Arm with Chain
sku: AMT-80-20-0003
AM-9 Pedal Plate with Straps
sku: AMT-9-30-30-0147
AM-9 Pedal Leveler Pulley
sku: AMT-30-33-0620
Bench Seat
sku: AMT-30-05-0627
Saddle Seat - Pommel Medium
sku: AMT-30-01-0114
Vertical Handgrips
sku: AMT-30-23-0343N

Choose a Foot Platform

AM-12 Small Foot Platform
sku: AMT-30-32-0350
AM-16 Foot Platform
sku: AMT-30-32-0365
AM-12 Foot Platform
sku: AMT-30-32-0355

More Information

  • Padded Bench Seat - The Padded Bench seat is designed to provide riders with more hip support than a standard saddle seat for a cycle is able to provide. This seat is a 13.5in W x 9.5in L seat that is constructed of polypropylene, making the seat easy to clean. The Padded Bench Seat is adjustable and can be tilted upward to provide the rider with better hip stability. The maximum weight capacity for the Padded Bench Seat is 250 lbs.
  • Full Padded Seat back - The Full Padded Back provides users with low muscle tone additional trunk support. It replaces the standard gray plastic back with two straps and gives additional comfort to riders. The Full Padded Back comes with brackets for mounting an H-Harness. This seat back is 10in W x 15in H for a larger range of comfort and support.

  • Vertical Handgrips - These handgrips replace standard handgrips on the AmTryke cycles. The Vertical Handgrips are designed for riders that are unable to rotate their wrist and properly grip the standard handlebars.

  • Brachial Plexus Kit - This kit mounts on either the left, right, or both sides to provide the user with a variety of positioning options. The kit helps extend the range of motion or bring it down to zero degrees.
Included in Brachial Plexus Kit:
One pair of 3in hand cranks
One pair of 5.5in hand cranks
One pair of the crank adapters
One crank puller
  • AM-Foot Platform - The foot platform lets riders rest their feet while pedaling with the hands. This is meant for those who have low tone muscles in their legs and feet.

  • Pedal Leveler - constructed to be a rear pulley and string system set for the AM-9S & AM-9XS. It helps level out the pedals.

  • Push Bar and Pull Bar - The Push and Pull Bars come with a bracket for mounting to the cycle. The optimal height for using the Push Bar is 36in from the ground to the handgrip. The push and pull bars lets parents or caregivers assist the rider in the moving the therapeutic cycle. With this device, parents can help without having to bend over to push or pull the cycle. Do not use the Push Bar or the Pull Bar to help raise or lift the trike.

Accessories for AmTryke Hand and Foot Cycles Picture


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