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Cryotherapy modalities are widespread and can be extremely effective in providing pain relief, inflammatory control, and circulation advantages for a wide range of medical and cosmetic conditions. If you or someone you know is ready to reap the chilling effects of cryotherapy, check out our entire cryotherapy hub for a variety of whole-body and localized cryotherapy devices.

Exposing the body to extremely cold temperatures for very short periods of time offers a number of benefits that promote optimal health. Previous and ongoing research continues to demonstrate the efficacy of cryotherapy for reducing inflammation and oxidative stress, two of the most important factors involved with defying disease and poor health.

For anyone suffering from muscle spasms and pain or  joint disorders like arthritis, swelling, and inflammation, cold therapy is a recommended treatment choice. When daily life activities are limited or even halted because of pain and inflammation, cryotherapy can be the tool that helps you get back to living your life.

The use of cryotherapy has evolved from killing cancer cells and freezing warts to whole-body technology that effectively reduces pain and inflammation. Treating a varied array of medical conditions from pain to obesity, this colder-than-ice therapy is more efficient than ice baths, taking less than 5 minutes to relieve pain, inflammation, and swelling. Users can perform this specialized cryotherapy conveniently at home by purchasing introductory-model cryotherapy machines.

Depression is a pervasive disease that affects people of all ages, but older adults may be more difficult to diagnose with depression due to the unique presentation of the symptoms. To learn how to recognize the signs of depression in your elderly loved one, check out our top six tips now!