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Pneumex, Inc., designs, manufactures, and markets medical pneumatic devices and equipment used by medical doctors, physical therapists, and chiropractors.

Founded in 1988 and headquartered in Sandpoint, Idaho, Pneumex manufactures some of the most progressive rehabilitation and sports enhancement equipment on the market, including the Pneu-Back Program that offers varying treatment programs for chronic back pain, Kyphosis, Scoliosis, balance programs, and athletic performance training.

Marketing their products in the United States as well as in Europe and the Far East, Pneumex is a leading provider of rehabilitation technologies, taking pride in offering the most up-to-date protocols, and dedicated to serving the needs of their customers each and every day.

With almost 30 years of research and development, Pneumex is consistently focused on developing and distributing high-tech, yet simple, rehabilitation equipment to medical professionals in the rehabilitation and sports fields.

They are the original pioneers in the development, manufacturing and application of unweighting and vibration rehabilitation technologies, creating such devices as the Pneu-Weight, Pneu-Lift, PneuWeight Unweighting System, Pneuback Chair, PneuVibe Pro, PneuGait trainers, and more.

Rehabmart is proud to offer our customers a diverse selection of rehabilitation pneumatic devices from Pneumex, Inc.