Product Overview:

These Tactile/Braille Signs are an excellent way to label a facility's restrooms, stairs, or no smoking areas. Each sign meets Federal regulations, with both raised letters and Grade 2 Braille as well as a bright white pictogram. These bright white, plastic shapes on a deep black backplate make the sign easy to read for those with low vision and the tactile add-ons keep it usable for those who can't see. Each sign is an injection-molded plastic plate with a non-glare matte finish.

Product Specifications / Dimensions

Product Options:

Restroom Signs

Women's HandicapWomen's Handicap
sku: MA-85209
sku: MA-85203
Men's HandicapMen's Handicap
sku: MA-85207
sku: MA-85201
sku: MA-85205
Unisex HandicapUnisex Handicap
sku: MA-85211

Stairs Sign

sku: MA-85217

No Smoking Signs

No SmokingNo Smoking
sku: MA-85215

More Information

It is easy to overlook the importance of proper signage in small spaces for those who have normal vision, but the addition of a few high-visibility signs can make life easier for those who live with reduced sight or the blind. With these 8" by 8" signs from MaxiAids are simple, offering basic symbols and text, but effective. With injection-molded plastic forming tactile raised text and images in bright white on a matte black background, the signs are already easier to read, but for those who cannot see at all the signs include raised braille dots for quick use. Adding even a few of these to an office, workshop, warehouse, or store can make things easier and more usable for those who visit or frequent the space. The wide variety and simple design makes these signs an easy add that improves the accessibility of wherever they are used!

FAQ For Tactile Braille Business Signs by MaxiAids

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Tactile Braille Business Signs by MaxiAids Pictures:

Tactile Braille Business Signs by MaxiAids
Tactile Braille Business Signs by MaxiAids
Women's Braille Restroom Sign
Women's Braille Restroom Sign
Men's Handicap Braille Restroom Sign
Men's Handicap Braille Restroom Sign
Men's Braille Restroom Sign
Men's Braille Restroom Sign
Unisex Braille Restroom Sign
Unisex Braille Restroom Sign
Unisex Handicap Braille Restroom Sign
Unisex Handicap Braille Restroom Sign

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