Spirodoc Touchscreen Spirometer and 3D Oximeter
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Spirodoc Touchscreen Spirometer and 3D Oximeter
Spirodoc Diary mode enables easy symptom tracking
The New Spirodoc has been developed with great attention both to design and to technology, with a very wide scope to modify the operation of the device through the various "modes": advanced parameters for the specialist, a reduced parameter set for screening as well as a simplified version for Home Care operation.
FVC, VC, IVC, MVV, PRE-POST. Precise spirometry interpretation even post bronchodilator. All tests are automatically memorized. Automatic BTPS conversion. Memory capacity: 10.000 tests. Wide selection of predicted values.
Simple and clear SpO2 and HR measurements with a view of the plethysmographic curve.
From a single six-minute walk test, Spirodoc gives an estimate of the level of oxygen therapy required by the patient.
Innovative and essential in pneumology, cardiology and rehabilitation etc.
Spirodoc is the first "3D Oximeter®" to incorporate a three axis movement sensor to correlate the saturation level (%SpO2) to the physical activity (walk counter, movement analysis and VMU).
Fast on-screen symptoms entry.
Complete touch screen with settable questions and automatic answer recording for homecare patient use (eDiary).
According to the latest ATS COPD Guidelines, it is fundamental to be able to study the level of exercise during the rehabilitation phase for respiratory patients.
Simple, comfortable and non invasive.
Spirodoc carries out a sleep desaturation study and memorizes events as well as body position thanks to its triaxial movement sensors.
Spirodoc automatically measures physical activity as well as body position at the same time as it records desaturation events while standing or walking or sleeping.