Product Overview:

Available in either smooth (pictured below with low friction heel insert) or convoluted foam (pictured on the left), the Skil-Care Foam Pressure-Relieving Heel Protector off-loads the heel for enhanced ulcer protection. Covered in a low friction fabric, Skil-Care Foam Pressure-Relieving Heel Protector reduces sweating and skin degradation to facilitate healing. Design elements include an auxiliary pad for extending length or height, and multiple ventilation holes to provide a cooling effect while maintaining proper air circulation. The universally sized Skil-Care Foam Pressure-Relieving Heel Protector offers ultimate decubitus ulcer protection.
This product is non-returnable.

Product Options:

Select Your Pressure Relieving Heel Protectors

Smooth-Foam Heel ProtectorSmooth-Foam Heel Protector
sku: SKC-503400
Convoluted-Foam Heel ProtectorConvoluted-Foam Heel Protector
sku: SKC-503450

More Information

The Skil-Care Foam Pressure-Relieving Heel Protector offers a comfortable and customizable way to offer enhanced ulcer prevention.

Skil-Care Foam Pressure Relieving Heel Protector Features:
  • Smooth or Convoluted foam option
  • Reduces sweating and friction burns
  • Off-loads heel for decubitus ulcer protection
  • Heel insert covered with low friction fabric
  • Two soft cozy cloth tie straps
  • Ventilation holes for proper air circulation
  • Includes auxiliary pad for size adjustment
Skil-Care Foam Pressure-Relieving Heel Protector PictureSkil-Care Foam Pressure-Relieving Heel Protector Picture 
Heel Offloading Visual Example

  Skil-Care Foam Pressure-Relieving Heel Protector Picture  

Smooth Foam Heel Protector


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Skil-Care Foam Pressure-Relieving Heel Protector Pictures:

Skil-Care Foam Pressure-Relieving Heel Protector
Skil-Care Foam Pressure-Relieving Heel Protector
Skil-Care Foam Pressure-Relieving Heel Protector (Smooth Foam)
Skil-Care Foam Pressure-Relieving Heel Protector (Smooth Foam)