The Shuttle Balance Platform mimics a slip-through motion in all horizontal planes. It can also be used while the user is standing or seated, which makes it perfect for therapeutic and sport-related treatments, such as fall prevention, whiplash, and contact sports. This balance board challenges patients, which varying levels of capabilities. It can be adjusted in height, stability, and degree of tilt. While they are completing these tasks, they will feel safe and confident due to the durable construction and design of the Shuttle Balance.
Dynamic Platform: Develops necessary proprioception in the elderly to the stabilizers in the elite athlete. Simulates a slip through motion in all horizontal planes. Provides secure footing and supports up to 500 pounds.
Adjustable Suspension Chains: Adjustable Balance Platform height, degree of stability and tilt sensitivity. Perturbates in both standing and seated positions for therapeutic and sport-specific treatments.
Safely Train Balance: Convenient bars provide security and increased confidence during all phases of training. Can be used with your favorite balance accessory ie: Foam pad, DynaDisc®, & BOSU® Ball.