Maximum sacrum support and easy sizing is offered by the Trochanter Belt with Double Pull through a laminate body and 5000 closure hook and loop. For additional comfort, the edges are finished with CorEdge®.
Small/Medium fits hips 28-37 inches
Large/XL fits hips 38-47 inches.
Ideal for Conditions like:Sciatica Pain; Scoliosis caused by pelvic instability; Hyper Mobility of the Sacroiliac Joints; Ligamentous Laxity due to pregnancy, Other
Best used after an injury, with hyper mobility of the sacroiliac joints or after a pregnancy
- Very top lateral aspect of hip bone)
- Sacrum/Tailbone Joint (very top of crease of buttocks)
- Groin
- Hip Joint (For Full hip Measurement)
Measurement Trochanter Supports
Snug Fit Measurement: Devices are sized at a compressed fit.
-- Measurement loose vs skin tight can be 2-2 ½ inches.
Hip Measurement
-- Measure at fullest part of the buttocks
-- Approx: Hip joint & crease of the buttocks.
Fitting- Fitted starting in the back and finishing in the front.
- Center support from the back forward
- Top of support should be at the distal sacrum (crease of buttocks) in the back
- Top of the support should be at the groin level in the front
- Top of belt is fitted directly over the hip joint
- Normally straps fit right over left.
- Pull straps out away from body and then cross
- Add compression from bottom to top
Post Fitting- Sit down to check fitting. (Ease and Motion may be more limited)
- Should not dig into groin area
- Decrease compression from top to bottom
- Disengaging Velcro and attach at far posterior of belt where straps originate.
- Application of the device may need to be done by a secondary care-taker or significant other.
- Best secure fitting is with patient laying down w/knees bent.