Product Overview:

The Rifton Wave Bath Chair Accessories are available in order to provide support or replace components to your Rifton Wave Bathing System. The hanging system is designed to provide users with the ability to hang the bath chair out of the way. The tub stand will lift the Rifton Wave Bath Chair up 5.5 to 11.5 inches higher than the standard chair base. The shower stand not only lifts the patient higher but includes lockable casters that make maneuvering the patient in and out easier.
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Note: This product is for sale in the United States only and is ineligible for International Shipping.

Product Options:

Choose an option from each section marked (Required), then click "Add Selections to Cart":
Base and Hanging Accessories (Required)
Tub Transfer Bases
If you would like to purchase a tub transfer base, you must also choose either standard or long tub legs.
Accessories for Small Rifton Wave Bathing System
Accessories for Medium Rifton Wave Bathing System
Accessories for Large Rifton Wave Bathing System
Conversion Kits (Converts Small Chairs to Medium Chairs)
Order Acknowledgement (Required)

More Information

Fabric Covers
Each fabric covers is available in both color options, as well covering for the Rifton Wave Bath Chair with or without the calf rest. By having an additional fabric cover allows users to wash one cover while still having another cover to utilize; therefore, preventing the issue of having to wait on the cleaning and drying of one cover.

Head Blocks
The head blocks are constructed to provide support to the patient's head during their bath or shower. The head blocks are only available in small and large, so for those that need them for their medium Rifton Wave Bath Chair must choose from either of those sizes.

Chest Straps
Chest straps come in either regular/standard or lateral positioning and allows for the patient to be secured to their Rifton Wave Bathing system. The lateral positioning chest strap gives the patient the ability to better their trunk alignment, boosting their confidence and independence.

Leg Straps
Leg straps for the Rifton Wave Bathing System allows caregivers to securely position the patient's leg for additional security. Additionally, the leg strap will position the patient's hip in abduction.

Conversion Kits
Conversion kits are the smart solution for growing children. For a fraction of the cost you can convert the small to a medium bath chair.

We'll send you a new larger blue or pink fabric cover, back and seat frames and chest strap with instructions on how to remove the old and install the new parts on your existing base.

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Bath Chair Accessories for Rifton Wave Bathing System Pictures:

Bath Chair Accessories for Rifton Wave Bathing System
Bath Chair Accessories for Rifton Wave Bathing System
Leg Strap in blue
Leg Strap in blue
Regular Chest Strap in blue
Regular Chest Strap in blue
Lateral Positioning Chest Strap in blue
Lateral Positioning Chest Strap in blue
Head Blocks with pink strap
Head Blocks with pink strap
Calf Rest Fabric Cover in blue
Calf Rest Fabric Cover in blue
Calf Rest Fabric Cover in pink
Calf Rest Fabric Cover in pink
Tub Stand for Rifton Wave Bath Chair
Tub Stand for Rifton Wave Bath Chair
Shower Stand for the Rifton Wave Bath Chair
Shower Stand for the Rifton Wave Bath Chair