Product Overview:

The ATT-300 Intersegmental Roller Massage Table features three rollers that move along the length of the table in clockwise or counterclockwise motions to relax muscles and relieve pain in the neck, back, and shoulders. These accessories and replacement parts are designed to both supplement the use of your ATT-300 Intersegmental Roller Massage Table as well as allow you to continue to enjoy all features even as parts wear out or break down over time.
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More Information

The ATT-300 Intersegmental Roller Massage Table has three large rollers that move clockwise and counterclockwise to massage the back, neck, and shoulders; roller heights can be adjusted to provide different massage pressures and accommodate different users. Settings are available in selections from 1 to 6 and can be changed on the side of the table. The top of the table is thickly padded for additional patient comfort. A vibration feature and 30-minute timer add to the massage experience, while cervical and knee bolsters enhance support and positioning possibilities. An indicator on the side of the table shows the location of the rollers along the body. The reverse side controls place the controls on the other side of the table.

The Replacement Panel Cover for the right side of the ATT-300 Massage Table covers and protects the timer. The replacement 30 Min Rhodes Bell Timer device is readily available with SKU# PHI-72139.Please reach out for a quote to:

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FAQ For Replacement Parts and Accessories for the ATT-300 Intersegmental Roller Massage Table

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