Product Overview:

Posey Fall Management Socks are soft terrycloth socks with nonslip tread printed on both the top and the bottom of the sock, to provide traction for ambulation even if the sock is twisted on the wearer's foot. The standard sock is large enough to fit up to men's shoe size 13; the large Posey Fall Management Socks fit up to men's size 14 and have a mesh band at the top to comfortably fit swollen ankles and calves. Pediatric socks are available in yellow only and fit up to youth size 5.
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Product Specifications / Dimensions

Please see sizing chart below.
Please scroll down or click here to view this information

Product Options:

Choose Color and Size (6 Pairs)

Regular Red (6 Pairs)
sku: PO-6239R(6)
Regular Yellow (6 Pairs)
sku: PO-6239Y(6)
Regular Purple (6 Pairs)
sku: PO-6239P(6)
Regular Orange (6 Pairs)
sku: PO-6239O(6)
Regular Green (6 Pairs)
sku: PO-6239G(6)
Large Green (6 Pairs)
sku: PO-6239LG(6)
Large Yellow (6 Pairs)
sku: PO-6239LY(6)
Large Purple (6 Pairs)
sku: PO-6239LP(6)
Large Orange (6 Pairs)
sku: PO-6239LO(6)
Large Red (6 Pairs)
sku: PO-6239LR(6)

Choose Color and Size for Fall Management Socks, 50 Pair

Regular Green (Qty. of 50 Pair)
sku: PO-6239G(50)
Regular Yellow (Qty. of 50 Pair)
sku: PO-6239Y(50)
Regular Purple (Qty. of 50 Pair)
sku: PO-6239P(50)
Regular Orange (Qty. of 50 Pair)
sku: PO-6239O(50)
Regular Red (Qty. of 50 Pair)
sku: PO-6239R(50)
Large Green (Qty. of 50 Pair)
sku: PO-6239LG(5)
Large Yellow (Qty. of 50 Pair)
sku: PO-6239LY(50)
Large Purple (Qty. of 50 Pair)
sku: PO-6239LP(50)
Large Orange (Qty. of 50 Pair)
sku: PO-6239LO(50)
Large Red (Qty. of 50 Pair)
sku: PO-6239LR(50)

More Information

The Posey Fall Management Socks are latex-free and washable. Choose from yellow, green, orange, red, or purple.
Posey Fall Management Socks Picture Posey Fall Management Socks Picture

FAQ For Posey Fall Management Socks

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Customer Reviews of Posey Fall Management Socks

Item Reviewed: Posey Fall Management Socks
2 Review(s) - Average Customer Rating: 5.0 (1.0 to 5.0 scale)

Good Service. Product is FIRST CLASS

Posted By:

excellent for difficult to fit people
received after having surgery, my mother has chronic heart problem and kidney problems so has very swollen feet and ankles making it hard to find items that are not too tight on her. I took mine for her to try and they worked wonderfully so i am now ordering her some.

Posted By:

Reviewer's Background: I am the Person using the Product