Product Overview:

The Picture Call Care Large Button Phone is a unique device that can assist users who have vision impairment or memory issues with remembering phone numbers. It is also a device that services anyone who wants to make quick calls from a home phone without having to put in an entire phone number. The phone comes with 10 programmable buttons on the keypad that can have photos inserted for easy 1 press calls to the pictured contact. The phone also features a quick 911 button and can still be dialed like a normal phone. It also features a last-number redial system to make calling someone back simple and easy.

Product Specifications / Dimensions

Specifiction LabelSpecification Value
Dimensions 9 x 7.5 in
Button Size 1 x 1.25 in
Warranty 90 Days

More Information

The Picture Call Care Large Button Phone is a unique and versatile home phone that makes calling easier than ever before, especially for users who may have a hard time remembering phone numbers or who just have a small set of people that they call regularly.

The keypad features customizable buttons that have spaces to add photos of the contact that the user wants to save to that particular button. Once the number is set as the easy dial for that contact, simply push "Photocall" and then the picture of who you want to call and the Picture Phone will instantly dial their number.

This easy-dial phone also features a permanent memory backup for the entire lifetime of the phone. Even if the batteries run out or the power goes out to the AC power cord, the phone will maintain quick contact as well as the most recent call made to prevent frequent reprogramming.

Another important feature of this phone is its last number redial feature, in which with the push of one button just beneath the number pad, the phone will instantly redial the most recent number that the user was on a call with, this is extremely helpful in the event of a call being dropped or if the user forgot to ask the person they were most recently on the phone with a question.

Picture Call Care Large Button Phone Picture


What Customers Are Saying:

"I'm glad I bought it and would recommend it - the phone is lightweight and has a clean simple design for the intended user. -Susana F."

"I bought this for my nearly blind mother and it's working great for her. -Bethany F."

"My grandma said this is the best thing that has ever happened to her. She loves having the freedom and confidence to be able to communicate with her family again after having a stroke that caused some brain damage so things like dialing a phone number was impossible. Thank you so much for this gift and my grandma being able to call me again! -Sydney W."

FAQ For Picture Call Care Large Button Phone

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Does the Picture Call Care Large Button Phone have a warranty?
Answer: Yes! This device has a 90-Day Warranty. Please be advised that if you choose to utilize your warranty, RehabMart will facilitate all communication between you and the manufacturer to ensure your device is repaired or replaced, however, RehabMart is not liable nor responsible for upholding the manufacturer's stated warranty terms.

Picture Call Care Large Button Phone Pictures:

Picture Call Care Large Button Phone
Picture Call Care Large Button Phone
Store and save up to 10 contacts
Store and save up to 10 contacts