Anti-Fatigue Mats, Standing Desk Floor Mats, Ergonomic Mats

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What are Anti-Fatigue mats?

Utilized across a broad spectrum of industry encompassing healthcare, hospitality, service, factory work, office work, automotive repair and more, anti-fatigue mats are a boon to anyone who walks or stands on hard floors for long periods of time. Constructed from varying materials such as rubber, foam, cork, wood, gel and vinyl, fatigue-reducing mats are available in a multitude of formations, thicknesses and support levels to more perfectly suit the unique needs of each profession.

It is important to select the right mat for each particular work environment. An anti-fatigue mat that would work well for a hairstylist is generally not going to be the best choice for a machinist; while the hairstylist requires an easy-to-clean type that will support the ability to move in short steps around the client in the chair, the stand-in-one-spot machinist will need a different level of support in a mat that will also provide resistance to cuts from heavy machinery, is heat tolerant, and can withstand contact with oil, chemicals and other substances.

How do Anti-Fatigue Mats Work?

Anti-fatigue mats are designed to reduce the weariness, exhaustion and discomfort that comes from walking or standing on hard floors, such as concrete or tile, for long intervals of time. Sore backs, legs and feet associated with working on hard flooring surfaces can be significantly reduced with the use of the right mat for the job.

Because hard floors are so unyielding, walking on them is like having a hammer pounding the heel with every step taken. This constant, repetitive impact often results in negative health consequences, such as painful feet and legs combined with lower back problems. Conversely, using specially designed fatigue-reducing mats creates a more elastic and shock-absorbing surface for both walking and standing, abating wear and tear on the body.

In addition to decreasing tiredness and pain, anti-fatigue mats also help to quell slips and falls when they are properly installed.

Ergonomics, the study of human factors, is always utilized in the formation of anti-fatigue mats. As research has repeatedly shown, standing still for any length of time is one of the worst things for the human body because our bodies are designed to be dynamic. Fatigue and strain occur from the static load burdening the joints, flattening blood vessels, constricting circulation and creating painful pressure points. Walking on hard surfaces is not much better for us than standing in one spot, either. An aching back, painfully throbbing legs and severely decreased energy levels are what most of us can expect when our jobs require us to walk on hard floors.

Thankfully, anti-fatigue mats greatly reduce this stress on our bodies, and they start working immediately, the very first time you use one. They aid in making any working tasks more efficient and comfortable, improving body mechanics ergonomically. Aside from increasing energy levels for enhanced job performance, fatigue-reducing mats also ease the strain on the feet, ankles, knees, legs and back, even warding off varicose vein formation.

Anti-fatigue mats help anyone who is on their feet a lot to feel better while they work. Because muscles become static and constricted on hard floors, circulation is significantly reduced. This causes the heart to work harder to pump the blood in this constricted environment, reducing the person’s energy, strength and vitality. By standing or walking on anti-fatigue mats, the muscles start to contract and expand, naturally increasing circulation and increasing the flow of oxygen to the heart. This results in more energy to be used, increasing comfort and efficiency.

How to Choose the Best Anti-Fatigue Mat

While there is no “best” anti-fatigue mat for every profession, there are certainly better choices to make dependent upon what kind of job the mat will be used for, and where it will be placed. There are several densities and material choices available to make it easy to find exactly the right choice for your profession or workplace. Here are a few examples:

1) Foam Anti-Fatigue Mats
As one of the most commonly used fatigue-reducing mats, mats constructed from foam are usually between ¼ inches to ¾ inches thick. Offering moderate support, foam mats can be formulated as dense or cushy foam, with the denser foam providing a higher level of anti-fatigue properties. They are best employed for short to moderate stand-in-one place tasks, and can also be used at home in bathrooms, laundry rooms and kitchens.

2) Gel Anti-Fatigue Mats
Filled with a dense gel, gel anti-fatigue mats generally offer some of the highest support for a wide range of applications. Covered with a rugged and durable exterior material, they are typically suitable for heavy duty usage and provide slip-resistant footing, even in a wet environment. Gel mats give great fatigue-reducing effects for longer periods of time, and can be used for both stationary and walking tasks.

3) Foam Rubber Anti-Fatigue Mats
While foam rubber fatigue-reducing mats are similar to foam mats, they highlight stronger durability for more industrial, machinist, garage or factory environments. They are often available in a wide assortment of sizes, interlocking pieces or rolls to better suit individual applications. Designed for dirtier environments, they stand up well to chemical spills and are easy to clean and maintain. Foam rubber mats also typically offer a higher level of cut-resistance, as well. They provide good fatigue-reducing properties for moderate to long stationary or walking tasks.

4) Hard Rubber Anti-Fatigue Mats
Another extremely durable, easy-to-maintain and long-lasting choice is the hard rubber fatigue-reducing mat. Often utilized in particle generating environments like machine shops, they feature holes or slots that allow particles to pass harmlessly to the floor below, eliminating piles accumulating on the mat itself. Many sizes are obtainable to better fit unique environments, and they provide great support and anti-fatigue effects for short to long stationary tasks.

Anti-Fatigue Mats Increase Employee Happiness AND Your Bottom Line

As one of the most common causes of physical fatigue and low back pain in the workplace, working on hard floors of any kind greatly reduces employee happiness and good health. This translates to higher absenteeism, reduced productivity, higher insurance rates and increased worker compensation costs. Companies around the globe are literally losing billions of dollars every year, much of which could be avoided by installing anti-fatigue mats for workers who stand or walk on hard flooring surfaces.

The National Safety Council recommends the use of fatigue-reducing mats, and they are joined in this researched and substantiated opinion by other experts such as industrial hygienists, ergonomists, risk managers, occupational nurses, safety engineers, insurance companies and loss control agents.

The University of Michigan’s Center of Ergonomics conducted a formal study concerning the dramatic effects that various surfaces have on physical fatigue. Various floor conditions were used in the study, from concrete to a foam rubber anti-fatigue mat. Not surprisingly, workers who stood on the concrete floors reported significant levels of leg, back and body discomfort along with fatigue, while the workers who stood on the fatigue-reducing mats reduced their levels of discomfort and fatigue as much as 50%.

Whether you’re a surgeon, a hairstylist, a mechanic or a food service worker, finding the right anti-fatigue mat for your working environment is a wise investment for health, happiness, efficiency and production.

Hulet Smith, OT
Rehabmart Co-Founder & CEO
