Financing Options:
Consumer Financing available
Product Overview:

Options for standard or portable Motion Trek Pool Lifts include a lockdown kit that will turn your portable motion trek lift into a stationary one. There is a replacement battery pack that works for both the standard motion trek and aqua buddy pool lifts. 2 covers are available, one for the stationary Motion Trek and one for the portable Motion Trek pool lift. For swimmers that require more stability when entering the pool, there is a spineboard attachment with a stability strap that works in tandem with the portable motion trek lift only. Additionally a transportation cart will help move your heavy dudty motion trek lift as needed.
Note: This product is for sale in the United States only and is ineligible for International Shipping.

Product Options:

Choose Product

Lockdown Anchor Kit for Portable Motion Trek (Portable to Stationary Lift)
 Options or Replacement Parts for Motion Trek Pool LiftsLockdown Anchor Kit for Portable Motion Trek (Portable to Stationary Lift)
sku: SPC-42672
Motion Trek Handset
sku: SPC-153603
Battery Pack for Motion Trek and Aqua Buddy Options or Replacement Parts for Motion Trek Pool LiftsBattery Pack for Motion Trek and Aqua Buddy
sku: SPC-153607
Motion Trek Cover Options or Replacement Parts for Motion Trek Pool LiftsMotion Trek Cover
sku: SPC-47949
Portable Motion Trek Cover Options or Replacement Parts for Motion Trek Pool LiftsPortable Motion Trek Cover
sku: SPC-61839
Spine Board Attachment with Stability Strap for Portable Motion Trek
sku: SPC-1730060
Transport Cart for Motion Trek Light Duty
sku: SPC-193404
Transport Cart for Motion Trek Heavy Duty Options or Replacement Parts for Motion Trek Pool LiftsTransport Cart for Motion Trek Heavy Duty
sku: SPC-42848
Motion Trek Anchor Kit -(Copolymer) (Compatible with all 2-3/8" lifts)
sku: SPC-28510-00
Motion Trek Anchor Kit -(Stainless Steel) (Compatible with all 2-3/8" lifts)
sku: SPC-28510-S
Motion Trek Anchor Extension - for use on above ground pools (Compatible with all 2-3/8" lifts)
sku: SPC-163364-238
Motion Trek Wood Deck Anchor Kit (Compatible with all 2-3/8" lifts)
sku: SPC-28515-00
Anchor Adaptor 1.9"' ID to 2.375'"
sku: SPC-28550-00
Motion Trek Anchor Surface Mount (Compatible with all 2-3/8" lifts)
sku: SPC-75521
Motion Trek Accessory Package
Includes: Battery, Dielectric Grease, Cover, Light Duty Lift Cart, Spine Board Attachment with Stability Strap

sku: SPC-193403
Lift Maintenance Kit
Includes: Remote, 32oz Spectra Shield, 22oz Spectra Clean System, Disposable Rags, Scratchless Scotch-Brite Pad, Battery, Remote

sku: SPC-152161-MT
Motion Trek Anchor/Bearing Assembly
sku: SPC-173410
Motion Trek Rotational Motor Assembly
sku: SPC-173424
Motion Trek Hardware Kit
sku: SPC-173407
Motion Trek Actuator
sku: SPC-153600
Motion Trek AC/DC Adapter
sku: SPC-153604
Motion Trek Charger Cradle
sku: SPC-153605
Motion Trek Control Box with Battery
sku: SPC-173415
AC/DC Adapter
sku: SPC-153604
Charging Cradle
sku: SPC-153605

More Information

The Motion Trek pool lift Cover is made from PVC/texturized polyester that safely protects your lift from misuse and from the weather. The cover includes a warning sign clearly visible from the pool/spa deck. The polyethylene cover is 0.55mm thick and easily deploys and folds for easy storage and use in indoor and outdoor environments. The Portable Pool Lift Cover is slightly larger in size, and identical in material and function, to accommodate for the larger size of the pool lift.

A Spine Board creates a safer entry and emergency exit for patients lying flat on the water.

FAQ For Options or Replacement Parts for Motion Trek Pool Lifts

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