Product Overview:

Magnesium Glycinate Malate is a gentle form of magnesium to ingest for individuals who typically are sensitive to Magnesium Oxide or Citrate. Magnesium activates enzymes that are essential to many functions of the body including the metabolism of fat, carbohydrates, and amino acids. It supports healthy teeth by promoting greater rates of calcium absorption. Magnesium also supports healthy smooth muscle tone and cardiovascular function. Additionally, it helps to maintain normal mood and emotional well-being while experiencing premenstrual symptoms.

Product Specifications / Dimensions

Specifiction LabelSpecification Value
Units 100 Capsules

More Information

Magnesium Glycinate Malate is a vitamin supplement that is commonly used to treat fibromyalgia, chronic pain, diabetes, osteoporosis, cardiovascular disease, headaches, and much more. This particular form of magnesium works especially well for those who are sensitive to Magnesium Oxide or Citrate, as there are no laxative side effects that are commonly found in other Magnesium supplements. The Magnesium Glycinate Malate supplement not only helps maintain normal nerve and muscle function but also supports a healthy immune system. The amino acid keeps bones strong, reduces chronic pain, and keeps the heart rhythm regular. If you are pregnant, you should consult your physician before taking this supplement. Every batch of the Magnesium Glycinate Malate supplement is independently tested for authenticity, potency, solvent residue, stability, and bacteria to ensure high-quality supplements are delivered with every purchase.

Recommended Dosage: It is recommended to take 1-2 capsules once or twice daily, or as directed by a healthcare practitioner.

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