Product Overview:

These pumps are used to inflate exercise therapy balls to your desired pressure levels. By increasing or decreasing the air pressure of exercise balls you can customize the difficulty and use of the ball. You can increase the air pressure using these pumps providing a higher difficulty work out. By using the Ball Plug Remover you can decrease the air pressure and it creates lower tension and the ball can be used as a comfy chair or just an easier exercise.
This product is non-returnable.

Product Specifications / Dimensions

See table below for specifications
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Product Options:

Choose One

Electric Plug Remover For Inflatable Balls/Rolls
sku: FEI-30-1829
Manual Hand Inflation Pump, 6 in
sku: FEI-30-1047
Manual Hand Inflation Pump, 12 in
sku: FEI-30-1048
Manual Bi-Directional Piston Foot Pump For Inflatable Products
sku: FEI-30-1051
Manual Large Bellows Pump For Inflatable Products
sku: FEI-30-1039
Electric Pump
sku: FEI-30-1054

More Information

These pumps can be used to manually inflate and deflate inflatable exercise balls. For optimal inflation, use electric pump first then fully inflate with the manual pump. By increasing or decreasing the air pressure of exercise balls you can customize the difficulty and use of the ball to match your desired experience. If you're looking for a challenge inflate the ball to its max tension. This makes it great for a range of upper, lower, and core muscle groups with exercises such as push-ups and crunches. If you're looking for an easier exercise or just a comfy lounge chair you can let out a little air for a more cushiony feeling.

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FAQ For Exercise Therapy Ball Inflation Pumps

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Exercise Therapy Ball Inflation Pumps Pictures:

Exercise Therapy Ball Inflation Pumps
Exercise Therapy Ball Inflation Pumps
Large Bellow Pump
Large Bellow Pump
	6" Hand Pump
6" Hand Pump
12" Hand Pump
12" Hand Pump
Double Piston Foot Pump
Double Piston Foot Pump
Electric Pump
Electric Pump
Ball Plug Remover
Ball Plug Remover