Product Overview:

The Durable Pill Crusher from Performance Health allows users to quickly and easily crush medication into a powder. This powder can be discretely mixed into food or drink to disguise the taste and administration for children who are averse to taking their medicine, and can also be helpful for any individual that finds it difficult to swallow solid pills. The two-piece device features a lid with a point that screws into place to crush pills; a convenient storage compartment keeps a small quantity of pills or powder for future use.

Product Options:

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Durable Pill Crusher - Quantity of 1
sku: PM-081016625
Durable Pill Crusher - Quantity of 15
sku: PM-081519065

More Information

The Durable Pill Crusher from Performance Health is a simple but useful device that makes administering medication easier for those who struggle to swallow pills. Adults and children alike can experience issues with swallowing pills, especially when more than one needs to be taken at a time; the Pill Crusher is here to solve this issue. Children especially can be averse to taking medication regardless of the form it takes; crushed medication can be mixed into a drink or food to disguise its taste, encouraging compliance.

Users unscrew the two-piece device and insert their pill(s), and then screw the lid back on; the lid features a pestle-like point that crushes pills as the cap is screwed back on. Once crushed into powder, the medication can then be incorporated into food or drink for easier consumption. The Pill Crusher features a small storage compartment convenient for keeping crushed or un-crushed medication for future use.

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