You don't need a lot of time or money to set up a sensory room. In fact, adding a few inexpensive accessories can turn nearly any space into an eye-opening experience for children and adults looking for sensory stimulation.
The Convex 8-Dome Mirror by TFH Special Needs Toys offers a multi-sensory adventure that allows users to notice environmental changes visually and by touch. A unique concave shape causes light to reflect differently than a traditional mirror, producing images that look small and somewhat unusual.
Because the images are abstract when using a convex mirror, it is a fun instrument for fostering creativity and sparking imagination for children and adults. However, it is also a helpful learning tool that allows patients with cognitive disorders and learning disabilities to study different images and understand how images can change appearances.
Eight small dome mirrors project the image in multiple locations. This makes it a unique accessory that is as fun to use independently as it is with a group. Adding it to a sensory room with lights and moving images takes sensory exploration and learning to a new level.
Acrylic materials from top to bottom help protect the mirror from damage, making it a great choice for schools, hospitals, and clinics. It is rust-resistant and difficult to scratch or break. This means that parents and teachers can allow kids to play alone with less risk of injuries.