Product Overview:

These Color Identifier Mates for Clothing Tags are designed to help people who are visually impaired and people who are people who can't see colors by identifying the colors of the items in their wardrobes. Included in this pack of identifiers are 16 different shapes each representing a different color, those colors are Black, White, Red, Green, Yellow, Pink, Blue, Brown, Grey, Peach, Cream, Navy, Mauve, Turquoise, Beige, and Orange. There are 10 identifier tags for each color, and the tags are machine washable meaning that once they've identified a piece of clothing, they can continue to even when the clothes need to be washed.

Product Specifications / Dimensions

Specifiction LabelSpecification Value
Colors 16
Tags 160 tags in all

More Information

These Color Identifier Mates for Clothing Tags are a set of 160 tags designed to go onto different colors of clothing to help people with visual impairments be able to identify what color the clothing they are grabbing is. These tags each have a different shape and design attached to the pins to make sure that even if the person using them can't identify them based on the color, they can feel the shape and know which shape corresponds to each piece of clothing.

These tags are available in 16 colors, each with a differently shaped identifier, the colors include: Black, White, Red, Green, Yellow, Pink, Blue, Brown, Grey, Peach, Cream, Navy, Mauve, Turquoise, Beige, and Orange. These tags are made to be machine washable so once they have been attached to a piece of clothing, you don't have to worry about re-attaching them to a piece of clothing after running them through the washer or the dryer.

The identifiers arrive in an organized box that has an identifying sheet on the inside of the lid that shows which container section holds each color, and tells the user how many of each color identifier there are to ensure that even if the user is visually impaired, they know how many of each color they have. There are a different number of identifiers for each color, but each case comes with 160 total color identifiers.

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Color Identifier Mates for Clothes Tagging Pictures:

Color Identifier Mates for Clothes Tagging
Color Identifier Mates for Clothes Tagging
16 different colors with different shapes for each color
16 different colors with different shapes for each color