Product Overview:

Although not deemed an essential nutrient, this L-Carnitine formula from Vital Nutrients can be added to your daily health regimen to effectively supplement the body's cardiovascular and metabolic processes. A pervasive nutrient that can be found in nearly every cell of the body, carnitine is used to treat conditions related to the heart and blood vessels, including angina and circulatory problems. Carnitine also has the ability to boost the performance and endurance of those engaged in athletic activities.

Product Specifications / Dimensions

Specifiction LabelSpecification Value
Capsules 60

More Information

Carnitine is naturally made in the body from the amino acids, lysine, and methionine. Carnitine is often classified as an amino acid because of its chemical makeup; however it is actually a vitamin-like nutrient, similar in structure to the B Vitamins. It plays an essential role in transporting fatty acids into the muscles for energy and is needed to transport these substances into the heart muscle. Nearly 60 percent of the energy for the heart muscle is supplied by fatty acids and the L-Carnitine Vitamin Supplement for Energy and Metabolism Boost facilitates the transport of these fatty acids. If you are pregnant, consult your physician before taking this supplement. Each package has been independently tested for authenticity, potency, confirmation of the L isomer, solvent residue, stability, and bacteria to ensure the highest quality product is delivered to you each time.

Recommended Dosage:
Take one to two capsules 2 or 3 times daily. or as directed by a healthcare practitioner.

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L-Carnitine Vitamin Supplement for Energy and Metabolism Boost Pictures:

L-Carnitine Vitamin Supplement for Energy and Metabolism Boost
L-Carnitine Vitamin Supplement for Energy and Metabolism Boost