Pediatric Visual Stimulation, Fiber Optics, Infant Stimulation, Visual Aids, Learning Toys

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How does Visual Stimulation Help My Child?
While a newborn's vision is one of the least developed senses at birth, the visual input he or she receives in those early months tend to have the most profound effect on the developing nervous system. Nerve cells in a newborn baby are disorganized and not yet making a lot of connections, but as the baby grows, the brain receives input from all of the senses, causing nerve cells to multiply, forming multitudes of connections with other nerve cells. Because the retina of the eye is not yet fully developed at birth, visual stimulation is absolutely crucial for the proper development of the retina and the optic nerve. Without visual stimulation at this stage, a baby would never develop vision at all.

Visual Stimulation devices, aids and toys help children of all ages to develop healthy vision and brain function. From visual stimulation for infants to look at, to visual stimulation that older children can interact with in various ways, these innovative creations send strong visual signals to the child, resulting in increased brain growth and quicker visual development. With the wide selection of pediatric visual stimulation devices available, we guarantee that you will find exactly what you require for your own child's specific special needs.

While all visual stimulation aids will encourage healthy visual development, increase visual attention and assist in teaching cause and effect concepts, some also facilitate a calming, relaxing effect, such as the Calming LED Bubble Tube. Others, like the Robotic Laser Ball and Super Sunlight aid in teaching directionality skills along with improved visual attention, while other vision products include auditory stimulation like Billy Fun Wheels, or tactile stimulation like the Vibrating Light.

Hulet Smith, OT
Rehabmart Co-Founder & CEO
