Product Overview:

Derived from European shrubs, black currant berries are well-known for their use in jams and blended beverages. Black Currant Seed Oil, however, also brings with it a number of important health benefits, including vitamin E and gamma-linolenic acid (GLA), better known as an omega-6 fatty acid. This essential nutrient has been shown to be effective in lowering triglyceride levels, increasing HDL, or "good cholesterol, and relieving arthritic pain and stiffness.

Product Specifications / Dimensions

Specifiction LabelSpecification Value
Units 100 Softgels

More Information

Black Currant Seed Oil contains high amounts of gamma-linolenic acid, an omega-6 fatty acid that is essential for metabolism but cannot be produced in the body. A study in the peer-reviewed Rheumatology journal revealed that Black Currant Seed Oil may support normal cartilage and joint function, thereby providing relief of pain and stiffness common in patients with arthritis. Black Currant Seed Oil also has shown signs of the ability to dilate smooth muscle, maintain healthy nerve function, regulate triglyceride levels, and help maintain cholesterol levels that are already within the normal range. If you are pregnant, you should consult your physician before taking. Each package has been independently tested for authenticity, potency, dual rancidity, heavy metals, solvent residue, aflatoxins, stability, and bacteria in order to ensure the highest quality product is delivered each time you purchase.

Recommended Dosage:
Take one to two capsules 2-3 times daily, or as directed by a healthcare practitioner.

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Black Currant Seed Oil for Cartilage and Joint Support Pictures:

Black Currant Seed Oil for Cartilage and Joint Support
Black Currant Seed Oil for Cartilage and Joint Support