The PURESPEED Hinged Knee Brace by Aryse uses a combination of compression and hinges to facilitate soft tissue recovery and provide joint support. This brace helps to treat injury and prevent future injuries from occurring. This brace exerts leverage on the leg to limit certain movements, allowing the knee to remain properly positioned for optimized healing.
The brace's hinges allow for controlled flexing and leg extension to keep users from re-injuring their knee. This brace ensures the knee extends in a linear motion, which takes away the risk of unwanted stress on injured or weakened areas of the knee joint. It is designed for patients with cartilage and meniscus tears, knee pain from the patella rubbing against the knee cap, fractures of the patella, tibia, and/or fibula, hyperextension, knee instabilities, ligament derangement, multiple sclerosis, osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, patella dislocations, patella tracking, patella subluxations, sprains, and other painful conditions. It absorbs force and torque generated from participation in sports as well as everyday activities. This brace is a favorite for knee surgery recovery, as it provides the best environment for the knee to heal properly.