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Consumer Financing available
Product Overview:

The Adult Weighted Blanket from Harkla can help you fall asleep sooner and can help you sleep better. This blanket is made of soft, cozy material; one side is smooth and the other has a textured dot pattern. The weight of this blanket comes from its filling of evenly distributed, odor-free, hypoallergenic glass beads. This blanket's weight provides deep touch pressure which is reminiscent of a cuddle or hug, adding to your relaxation and overall comfort. This blanket is ideal for those looking to create a truly restful bedtime routine.
This product is non-returnable.

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More Information

If you experience trouble falling asleep, staying asleep, and sleeping well, Harkla's Adult Weighted Blanket may be able to help. This blanket is packed with small, odor-free, and hypoallergenic glass beads that provide deep touch pressure, helping you fall and stay asleep. Deep touch pressure is a firm tactile sensory input that can involve hugs, cuddling, and squeezing. Deep touch pressure has been proven to lower and regulate heart rate and blood pressure. Additionally, deep touch pressure lowers the body's cortisol levels, which controls the level of stress in the body. Deep touch pressure also elevates endorphins and releases serotonin and dopamine, uplifting mood and overall contentedness. Those who benefit the most from deep touch pressure include people diagnosed with Attention Deficit Disorder (ADHD), Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD), Psychiatric Disorders (i.e., depression, anxiety, PTSD, etc.), and Sensory Processing Disorder (SPD). However, this blanket can be enjoyed by anyone. One side of the blanket is smooth with a uniform texture, while the other side features textured dots. Its sewing is precise and its weight is evenly distributed. This blanket is constructed of two pieces: the weighted blanket and a zip-around duvet cover. Both are machine washable and are easily laundered at home.

What Customers Are Saying:

"The quality is great, and the blanket itself is super soft and cute. -Katie L."

"Best sleep I've had in 15 years. I love my weighted blanket! -Stacey R."

"Heaven is a blanket. THIS blanket. I've had it for over a year and I've slept with it EVERY NIGHT since I got it. The weight is so comforting to me, now I don't sleep as well if I'm forced to use a regular blanket. -Michelle W."

FAQ For Adult Weighted Blanket

? Have a question about this product? Click here to ask us!
How heavy should my weighted blanket be?
Answer: The rule of thumb for a weighted blanket is to be 10% of your body weight, give or take a pound or two. So for an adult weighing 130 lbs, the 15-lb blanket would be best.
What is the science behind weighted blankets?
Answer: The science behind weighted blankets is called Deep Touch Pressure (DTP). DTP is simply distributed weight across the body. DTP releases serotonin in the body which turns into melatonin, which regulates the sleep cycle. DTP also decreases nervous system activity.
Who do weighted blankets work for?
Answer: Weighted blankets have historically been used for those with special needs, and are commonly referred to as "autism blankets". However, they are beneficial to most people, especially those who suffer from sleep issues.

Adult Weighted Blanket Pictures:

Adult Weighted Blanket
Adult Weighted Blanket
Adult Weighted Blanket (Shown in Grey)
Adult Weighted Blanket (Shown in Grey)
Adult Weighted Blanket (Shown in Grey)
Adult Weighted Blanket (Shown in Grey)
Adult Weighted Blanket (Shown in Blue)
Adult Weighted Blanket (Shown in Blue)
Adult Weighted Blanket (Shown in Blue)
Adult Weighted Blanket (Shown in Blue)
Adult Weighted Blanket (Shown in Blue)
Adult Weighted Blanket (Shown in Blue)