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Product Overview:

Pick from a collection of additional accessories that will further upgrade your Sorrento Therapeutic Geri Chair. Choose from a variety of covers, supports, trays, and seat belts to ensure that you are getting the most out of your chair.

The Sorrento chair can be found by clicking here or by scrolling down to the options section.
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HB7: SEAT BELT Accessories for Seating Matters Sorrento Therapeutic Tilt-In-Space Geri ChairHB7: SEAT BELT
sku: ARJ-PN1212
LATERAL SUPPORTS Accessories for Seating Matters Sorrento Therapeutic Tilt-In-Space Geri ChairLATERAL SUPPORTS
sku: ARJ-PN1206
 Accessories for Seating Matters Sorrento Therapeutic Tilt-In-Space Geri ChairTRANSPARENT TRAY
sku: ARJ-PN1209
1" Removable Arm Covers Accessories for Seating Matters Sorrento Therapeutic Tilt-In-Space Geri Chair1" Removable Arm Covers
sku: ARJ-PN487
LEG LATERALS Accessories for Seating Matters Sorrento Therapeutic Tilt-In-Space Geri ChairLEG LATERALS
sku: ARJ-PN522
REMOVABLE SEAT COVER Accessories for Seating Matters Sorrento Therapeutic Tilt-In-Space Geri ChairREMOVABLE SEAT COVER
sku: ARJ-PN471
LEG REST WEDGE Accessories for Seating Matters Sorrento Therapeutic Tilt-In-Space Geri ChairLEG REST WEDGE
sku: ARJ-PN447
PADDED FOOTPLATE Accessories for Seating Matters Sorrento Therapeutic Tilt-In-Space Geri ChairPADDED FOOTPLATE
sku: ARJ-PN463
HORSESHOE PILLOW Accessories for Seating Matters Sorrento Therapeutic Tilt-In-Space Geri ChairHORSESHOE PILLOW
sku: ARJ-PN1207
CONCAVE PILLOW Accessories for Seating Matters Sorrento Therapeutic Tilt-In-Space Geri ChairCONCAVE PILLOW
sku: ARJ-PN1208
HEAD PILLOW Accessories for Seating Matters Sorrento Therapeutic Tilt-In-Space Geri ChairHEAD PILLOW
sku: ARJ-PN452
PADDED ARM COVERS Accessories for Seating Matters Sorrento Therapeutic Tilt-In-Space Geri ChairPADDED ARM COVERS
sku: ARJ-PN487
HB2- 4 POINT HIP BELT Accessories for Seating Matters Sorrento Therapeutic Tilt-In-Space Geri ChairHB2- 4 POINT HIP BELT
sku: ARJ-PN456

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Available Accessories:
Lateral Supports: The supports redistribute pressure across the body to help alleviate pain from sensitive regions of the body. In addition, the supports promote better body alignment when using the chair and provide additional trunk support if needed.
Transparent Tray: This tray helps individuals directly participate in activities and partake without leaving the comfort of the chair.
Removable Arm Covers: If maintaining cleanliness is of importance, these removable arm covers help protect the chair and ensure its longevity. Ideal for individuals that might face incontinence issues, and the covers can be easily taken off and cleaned.
Leg Laterals: Additional supports for the legs help provide support to prevent the legs from abducting and rotating externally when seated in the chair. In addition, they help protect the legs from oncoming dangers during chair transportation.
Removable Seat Cover: Essential for keeping the chair safe from staining and soaking in unwanted substances, this removable seat cover helps adhere to infection control. It can be easily removed and sterilized or replaced if necessary.
Leg Rest Wedge: This wedge helps reduce swelling or edema caused by a collection of fluids in the area. By propping up the legs, the fluids can be shifted from the legs to the rest of the body and reduce the amount of swelling present in those tissues.
Padded Footplate: The padding can be placed on top of the footplate to increase comfort and help reduce pressure on the feet and legs.
Horseshoe Pillow: This pillow helps provide additional support to the head and neck by fitting above the shoulders. It features a cutout for the neck for additional comfort.
Concave Pillow: This "C" shaped pillow enables additional lateral head support for individuals who lack good head control and promotes medial head positioning when seated. In addition to providing exceptional comfort, the concave pillow brings pressure management seen elsewhere on the chair to the neck and head region.
HB7: Seat Belt: This seat belt provides additional support and safety for passengers in the chair. These are great for individuals who might slide around the chair easily and need additional support to keep them planted in the chair.
Head Pillow: This pillow provides additional support and comfort to the head by laying flush with the chair to keep the body against the chair, ultimately tapering with a supportive pillow.
Padded Arm Covers: These covers help decrease the width of the chair for individuals who have narrow hips or want to be more secure in their chair. The amount of padding can be changed based on the users' desires and can be varied from user to user based on their needs.

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FAQ For Accessories for Seating Matters Sorrento Therapeutic Tilt-In-Space Geri Chair

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Accessories for Seating Matters Sorrento Therapeutic Tilt-In-Space Geri Chair Pictures:

Accessories for Seating Matters Sorrento Therapeutic Tilt-In-Space Geri Chair
Accessories for Seating Matters Sorrento Therapeutic Tilt-In-Space Geri Chair
Transparent Tray
Transparent Tray
Removable Arm Covers
Removable Arm Covers
Leg Laterals
Leg Laterals
Removable Seat Cover
Removable Seat Cover
Legrest Wedge
Legrest Wedge
Padded Footplate
Padded Footplate
Horseshoe pillow
Horseshoe pillow
Concave Pillow
Concave Pillow
HB7: Seat Belt
HB7: Seat Belt
Head Pillow
Head Pillow
Padded Arm Covers
Padded Arm Covers
HB2 - 4 Point Hip Belt
HB2 - 4 Point Hip Belt