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Product Overview:

38 Bach Flower Remedy Kit, safe for the whole family, includes one of each of Dr. Edward Bach's 38 Flower Essence Homeopathic Remedies in 20 mL bottles. Dr. Edward Bach, a British physician in the 1920's and 1930's, developed the 38 Remedies, made from the essence of wildflowers and plants. His philosophy included the notion that the whole world was connected, including the mind and the body, and that replacing negative emotions with positive emotions would free the body to return to its naturally healthy state. 38 Bach Flower Remedy Kit includes one of each of the original, gluten free 38 flower essences preserved in a grape based brandy.

More Information

38 Bach Flower Remedy Kit Features:
- Includes one of each of the 38 flower remedies in 20mL bottles
- Safe and natural method of healing discovered by Dr. Bach in the 1920s and 1930s
- Restores the balance between mind and body by casting out negative emotions
- Allows peace and happiness to return to the sufferer so the body is free to heal itself
- Made from wild flowers
- Safe for the whole family, including pets
- Preserved in grape-based brandy
- Gluten free

The 38 Flower Essences and Indications:
- Agrimony - Mental torture behind a cheerful face
- Aspen - Fear of unknown things
- Beech - Intolerance
- Centaury - The inability to say 'no'
- Cerato - Lack of trust in one's own decision
- Cherry Plum - Fear of the mind giving way
- Chestnut Bud - Failure to learn from mistakes
- Chicory Chicory - Selfish, possessive love
- Clematis - Dreaming of the future without working in the present
- Crab Apple - The cleansing remedy, also for self-hatred
- Elm - Overwhelmed by responsibility
- Gentian - Discouragement after a setback
- Gorse - Hopelessness and despair
- Heather - Self-centeredness and self-concern
- Holly - Hatred, envy, and jealousy
- Honeysuckle - Living in the past
- Hornbeam - tiredness at the thought of doing something
- Impatiens - Impatience
- Larch - Lack of confidence
- Mimulus - Fear of known things
- Mustard - Deep gloom for no reason
- Oak - The plodder who keeps going past the point of exhaustion
- Olive - exhaustion following mental or physical effort
- Pine - Guilt
- Red Chestnut - Over-concern for the welfare of loved ones
- Rock Rose - Terror and fright
- Rock Water - Self-denial, rigidity and self repression
- Scleranthus - inability to choose between alternatives
- Star of Bethlehem - Shock
- Sweet Chestnut - Extreme mental anguish
- Vervain - Over-enthusiasm
- Vine - Dominance and inflexibility
- Walnut - Protection from change and unwanted influences
- Water Violet - Quiet self-reliance leading to isolation
- White Chestnut - Unwanted thoughts and mental arguments
- Wild Oat - Uncertainty over one's direction in life
- Wild Rose - Drifting, resignation, apathy
- Willow - Self pity and resentment

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