Vipamat Hippocampe All-Terrain Wheelchair: An Honest Review

5 of 5 stars
by Donald Jacobsen, MSN, MBA, RN-BC (NI)

Hippocampe All-Terrain / Ski / Beach Wheelchair by Vipamat Hippocampe All-Terrain / Ski / Beach Wheelchair by Vipamat

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Who doesn’t love a fun day outdoors? Whether it be a playful day at the beach, fishing, exploring parks, outdoor concerts, and anywhere in between - getting outside is beneficial for you physically and mentally. I know sunny adventures are some of my best memories! If you or a loved one is wheelchair-bound, then you are too familiar with the limited options you have for outdoor activities.

The Hippocampe All-Terrain / Ski / Beach Wheelchair by Vipamat is here to open your world. This is one of very few wheelchairs that is truly all terrain and can be self-propelled! The Hippocampe can travel over sand, grass, snow, pebbles, mud, and more. Additionally, there are a ton of accessories, so you can customize it to fit your unique needs. It’s no wonder that this is a customer favorite and Rehabmart’s #1 selling all terrain wheelchair. 

Why We Love The Hippocampe Wheelchair

Truly All Terrain

This wheelchair lives up to the name. Its design allows it to safely travel over sand, grass, snow, pebbles, and mud. The Hippocampe wheelchair even withstands salt water and is non-absorbent, which means you can even wade into the sea along with your family. While it doesn’t float, it is safe in shallow depths. Many manufacturers claim their wheelchairs to be “all-terrain” but haven’t tested those products in rough environments. 

One of the Very Few Self-Propelling All Terrain Wheelchairs

Most all-terrain wheelchairs on the market are “push only,” meaning a caregiver must accompany you. The need to have another person push can be extremely limiting, especially for individuals who prefer to travel more independently. The Hippocampe wheelchair can be self-propelled or pushed, giving the rider more autonomy and flexibility. 

Multiple Sizes for Kids and Adults

Another perk of the Hippocampe wheelchair is that it is available in more than one size, suitable for adults and children. This option means that you or a loved one don’t need to feel left behind due to a disability. Additionally, non-wheelchair users in the family won’t feel like they are missing out on outdoor excursions due to a loved one’s limited wheelchair mobility.

Lightweight & Transportable

This wheelchair is easy to travel with and ideal for vacations and outings. Your family can easily fit the disassembled parts in a car trunk or even on a plane. Many similar wheelchairs - especially beach wheelchairs - are bulky and hard to transport. One of the optional add-on accessories (sold separately) is a transport bag, which easily fits all the parts for simplified transport. Take a look at the photo below of the disassembled chair. 

So Many Accessories!

There are many optional accessories for the Hippocampe wheelchair (sold separately), including balloon wheels, transport bags, parking brakes, a headrest, and safety nets. There are even accompanying ski sets that snap onto the front and back of the wheelchair to allow users to ski alongside family! These add-ons can make your wheelchair experience much more customized and comfortable. 

FDA & ISO Approved

Understandably, you or your loved ones might be concerned about the actual safety of the wheelchair. Fortunately, this chair has passed the safety test. It is ISO 13485 compliant, and the company that makes it – Vipamat – gets an annual renewal of FDA certification. The seat fabric is also fireproof. Not all wheelchairs have explicit safety ratings, so these metrics make the Hippocampe wheelchair chair even more trustworthy.

Supreme Construction

Vipamat makes the Hippocampe all-terrain chair with stainless, corrosion-resistant aluminum. A special coating prevents the frame from overheating in the sun and freezing in the cold, so you or a loved one can avoid getting hurt due to extreme temperatures.


What are customers saying? 

“We have had a really difficult time finding the right chair for our disabled son to use on the beach, especially as he has gotten older. The other wheelchairs we looked at were too bulky for our car and standard wheelchairs were not suitable for the sand. The Hippocampe easily disassembles and works well in the water, on the sand, and stays low to the ground so he doesn’t feel like he stands out.”

- Sarah D., a mother of a son with disabilities

“I am so glad I found the Hippocampe Wheelchair online. The raving reviews were right–it is a truly outstanding chair. It’s great for travel and it works well over a range of climates and terrains.”

- Alice S.

“By far the best outside terrain chair I have purchased yet! I appreciate how low it sits to the ground because it helps me feel more connected to the terrain.”

- Dwight I.

Can I use the Hippocampe Wheelchair on the beach? 

Absolutely! The standard wheels are self-propelled and tested for beach use. There is also an optional balloon wheels accessory add-on, which makes navigating deep sand a little easier. The balloon wheels are especially helpful if a caregiver pushes the wheelchair user over the sand instead of using the self-propel option. 

Final Thoughts

Don’t let your wheelchair hold you back from living the life you want to live! Wheelchair users deserve to have the opportunity to spend time adventuring in the outdoors like anyone else. This chair has many fun and exciting accessories (like balloon tires for the beach or skis for the slopes) and has passed trustworthy safety tests so you and your family can rest easy. For more review articles on Rehabmart's favorite products, check out Caregiver University.


Donald Jacobsen is a registered nurse and healthcare content writer who is passionate about patient education and quality improvement. With over 15 years of experience in the healthcare industry, Donald has a wealth of knowledge to share with readers. He is board-certified in nursing informatics and holds a Master of Science in Nursing from the University of Memphis. He has also earned a Master of Business Administration from Western Governors University.

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